Title IX Notification – Albright College

Title IX Notification

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits a college from discrimination based on sex, Albright College does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in its educational programs and activities.

Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators:

Interim Title IX Coordinator:

James Gaddy, Vice President of Administration, Interim 

1801 N. 12th Street, Camp Building 2nd floor, Reading, PA 19612; 610-921-7629; jgaddy@albright.edu

The College has distinct policies and procedures specific to employees and to students, but if unsure how to report sexual misconduct, any member of the College community may contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Inquiries or complaints may also be directed to the Office for Civil Rights, Philadelphia Office, U.S. Department of Education, 100 Penn Square East, Suite 515, Philadelphia, PA 19107-3323, telephone number 215-656-8541, fax 215-656-8605, email address OCR.Philadelphia@ed.gov.

Policies and procedures for students

When behavior referenced in a Title IX complaint involves a student, the College will utilize the procedures for resolving charges of sexual misconduct outlined in the Code of Conduct and adjudicated through the Office of Community Standards as described in the student handbook, The Compass.

Polices and procedures for employees

When behavior referenced in a Title IX complaint involves a member of the faculty, administration or staff, the College will utilize the procedures for resolving charges of sexual misconduct outlined in Human Resources’ policies and procedures. For faculty the Faculty Handbook and for administration and staff the Employee Handbook.

There are three federal laws that establish responsibilities for employees of colleges to report certain types of crimes and incidents, especially sexual misconduct—Title IX, along with the Clery Act and Title VII. The responsibilities established by these laws give rise to the term “mandatory or mandated reporter.” The College has defined all employees, both faculty and professional staff, as mandated reporters and to that end these members of our community have access to training and information regarding the laws and guidance. Albright Mandated Reporter Information

If you have any questions about this please contact the Title IX coordinator.

Click here to view this section as a PDF.

Albright College is constantly always working to enhance and evolve Title IX, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the Jeanne Clery Act initiatives. Our team regularly updates and improves training and policies resulting from changes from VAWA, industry best practices and our own initiative.

Below is a detailed list of trainings, programs and events that Albright provides to the campus community each year.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (held every April)

Safety Awareness Month (held every September)

Orientation programs, Albright Peer Educators and Green Dot Programming

  • First year Orientation programs
  • Campus SaVE ACT, Sex & the Law
  • Bystander Intervention — “Who will you be?”
  • Peer Education Programs
  • Grant-funded programming, began in 2015
  • Green Dot
  • New in 2019, more than 20 members of Albright’s campus community participated in a 40 hour training dedicated to bystander intervention. The newly-implemented program will continue to grow in future years.

Experience Events

Title IX Training

  • Public Safety Officers are certified TIX investigators and attend intensive training through Dolores Stafford and Associates.
  • Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators attend various trainings pertaining to Title IX, investigations, legal matters and support services for victims through ATIXA
  • Many Albrightians are trained as Mandated Reporters
  • CSA training and Mandated Reporter training is offered consistently throughout the academic year
  • Campus SaVE and VAWA training offered numerous times to the community throughout the academic year
  • Members of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute membership (July 2020)
    • Provides further opportunities for Title IX training for all members of the campus community, additional Title IX resources for students, faculty and staff and a library of articles, case law and other educational information.
  • View the training provided to the CSHB members here: Albright Title IX Training
  • View the training provided to the faculty Title IX here: Albright Title IX Training (Sesssion 2) Faculty

Grant funding for programs, events and training

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreements with local law enforcement and SAFE Berks

  • Albright has had an MOU with SAFE Berks since 2017
  • Albright has had a sexual assault MOU with the Reading Police and Muhlenberg Police


2022 Public Safety Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

SAFE Berks Community Response Specialist, on-campus counseling and additional resources

Safe Berks is available to the Albright community for additional support and resources. Since 2017, we have a Safe Berks Community Response Specialist available to the Albright community on-campus, Tuesday and Fridays, 1 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Gable Health and Counseling Center

Campus Ombudsperson

The Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator holds monthly meetings with the Title IX Student Advisory Board, which consists of students from NOW, Pride Plus, Women and Gender Studies Faculty and various other student leaders on campus. The student advisory board focuses on reviewing TIX processes, procedures, trainings, programs and events offered to our campus community. The group will spread awareness to the student body in regard to current TIX policies, processes and procedures. The group will also provide feedback and further ideas to the administration to enhance current TIX practices.

Karla Caceres
Hello!! My name is Karla Caceres. I’m originally from NYC, I’m a sophomore and I’m a fashion merchandising major. I’m very involved on campus from working at admissions to being the social media chair of Pride+ as well as a member of Club Vogue, and a part of Albright Diplomats. I want everyone to be safe here at Albright and I want you all to know if you ever need anyone to talk to, email me. I will always be there for you.
Cynthia Schneider
Hi, my name’s Cynthia Schneider and I am a sophomore here at Albright. I am a criminology major looking to serve as an FBI or SWAT Team member. Here on campus, I am a part of both the Women’s Lacrosse Team as well as the Women’s Volleyball Team. I am involved in various student groups on campus including Morgan’s Message, Student Government Association, Student Athletic Advisory Committee, the Social Media Manager of Albright ECO and various other organizations. I like to stay involved on campus and be a part of things like the Title IX Advisory Board not only to keep myself protected and occupied, but to ensure the safety and happiness of my friends, teammates and fellow students. Nobody gets college better than college students, and I know that our information and opinions not only matter but are valid and should be heard!