Inauguration of President Fetrow
A photo essay of the inauguration of President Jacquelyn S. Fetrow, Ph.D. ’82, with excerpts from her inaugural address
“I left four decades ago to begin a new stage of life and a career. I had hopes, but could not have expected this life journey, a journey filled with joy, opportunity, serendipity and risk. Albright College is a place where I learned how to take advantage of life’s opportunities and to evaluate its risks.
I have now chosen to return. Why? It’s because of my passion for higher education, my belief in a boundary-crossing, interdisciplinary education, founded in the liberal arts, and the benefits that an Albright education offers.”
“I return to Albright to work with this community, as we together forge our future, a future where the education and life success of our students remains the first and most important thing we do.
This future is one where an Albright College education is fully equitable and where the barriers to full participation by all community members have been removed.
This is my dream of the Albright College of the future. Since my return to this college, I have been pursuing a series of small-group conversations. I have called this my Year of Listening and Learning. During these conversations, I’ve heard affirmation that this learning community of my dreams is the community Albright College wants to be. I’m here to be part of the work, and to help lead the work, that will enable us to get there.”
“I return to Albright College to celebrate and enhance the best of what we are—our commitment to lifelong and inclusive learning, to truth and justice, to moving beyond our disciplinary limits and thinking outside the proverbial box. We bring the best of who and what we are as teachers and as scholars into the classroom, across our campus, and into the world. I am looking forward to working with each of you as we move Albright College boldly into the future.”
For a full inaugural address, video and more photos visit