General College Policies – Albright College

General College Policies

A. Bicycle Policy

1. The College is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bicycles. Bicycle owners are responsible for removing their bicycles from campus at the end of every semester. Bicycles left after the end of the academic semester will be considered abandoned, confiscated by Public Safety, and held by the College until the bicycle is claimed. Bicycles left with Public Safety for more than one full semester will be deemed a gift to the College, to be disposed of through appropriate College channels.
2. Bicycles, when not in use, must be securely locked to approved bicycle racks. Bicycle racks are placed in appropriate locations around campus.
3. Bicycles that are locked to any device, railing, or structure other than an approved bicycle rack will be issued a warning. A subsequent violation will result in removal by Public Safety and may result in disciplinary action.
4. Bicycle owners should use discretion when riding bicycles. At all times, pedestrians have the right of way. All bicycles must be operated according to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vehicle Code as it pertains to bicycles, as well as the rules and regulations contained in this policy.
5. Bicycles may not be ridden in residence halls or any other building.
6. Bicycle owners are encouraged to have bikes insured in case of damage, loss or theft.
7. Bicycle owners are strongly encouraged to register their bicycles with the Department of Public Safety.

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B. Disability Access Statement

Albright College is dedicated to extending all available services, programs, and activities to our students including those with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008. To facilitate equal educational and learning opportunities for students with documented disabilities including but not limited to learning, sensory, physical, medical, and mental health conditions, the College has designated the Student Accessibility and Advocacy (SAA) office as the central office on campus that supervises disability services. Students must self-disclose their disability to the Director of SAA and provide appropriate and current documentation of their disability in a timely manner. The Director meets with students to discuss their specific requests and reasonable accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis. The office’s goal is to foster self-advocacy skills and personal growth in each individual while providing appropriate support. Students are also encouraged to utilize additional campus resources such as, the Student Success Center (tutoring and academic coaching), Counseling Services, Writing Center, and the Gable Health Center. Students can contact the office via phone at 610-921-7503 or via email at Visit the SAA website for documentation standards and more information.

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C. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records:

“The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a written request.” Students should submit written requests to the registrar that identify the records they wish to inspect. The registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the registrar, he or she shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

“The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading.” Students should write the official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

“The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.” One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit, personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his/her other tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

“Upon request, the College discloses education records without consent, to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.”

“The right to file a complaint. Complaints should be addressed in writing to the Registrar’s Office so that a resolution may found. Complaints may also be made directly to the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.” The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
For additional information on these rights, please contact the registrar or the dean of students.

1. Parent Notification Amendment
Federal Register: July 6, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 130) Section 99.31(a) (14) Prior Consent Not Required for Disclosures to Parents and Legal Guardians Regarding Violations of Alcohol or Drug Laws or Rules.
The Higher Education Amendments of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), permits postsecondary institutions to disclose to parents and legal guardians of students under the age of 21, without the student’s consent, information regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state or local law, or any rule or policy of the institution overning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
In addition to this new provision, the statue already provided that post-secondary institutions may disclose certain information from a student’s education records to parents or legal guardians under several exceptions to the prior consent rule. Under section 99.31(a) (8) of the regulations, institutions may release information to parents or guardians, without the student’s consent, if the student is a dependent for tax purposes. Also, under section 99.31(a) (10), an institution may release information to a parent or legal guardian in connection with a health or safety emergency. This provision adds a new expectation to the prior consent requirement of FERPA.

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D. Financial Aid Refunds

In accordance with federal regulations, Albright College maintains a refund policy for students who are recipients of Federal Title IV financial assistance (Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants, Federal Direct Student Loans, Federal Direct Parent Loan (PLUS), and Federal Student Work Study). This policy applies to each recipient of Title IV assistance who withdraws or is dismissed from Albright College during the first 60% of any semester in which the student enrolls. For students exiting the College prior to the 60% point, federal aid is adjusted based on the percent of the semester completed prior to the withdrawal; students are entitled to the percentage of federal financial aid equitable to the percentage of the semester they completed. This percentage is calculated by dividing the number of days in the semester (excluding breaks of five days or longer) into the number of days completed prior to the withdrawal. The official date of withdrawal is noted on the Albright College Student Withdraw Form. There is no adjustment to federal financial aid if an official withdraw occurs on or after the 60% point of any given semester.
After the federal refund amount is calculated, federal funds are returned in the following order:

• Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
• Federal Direct Subsidized loan
• Federal Direct PLUS Loan
• Pell Grant
• Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

State grant funds originating either in Pennsylvania or any other state are adjusted in accordance with the granting agency’s stated guidelines. If a return of aid takes place before the 60% mark of the semester and a PA Grant was awarded, the funds will be returned in full to PHEAA.

Albright College grant and scholarship funds are adjusted based on the percentage of tuition charged to the student when he or she withdraws from the College; a student withdrawing with a 25% tuition charge would receive 25% of his/her total Albright College grant and scholarship. Students who are either academically dismissed from the College, or are suspended (or expelled) for disciplinary reasons, are not eligible for refunds of previously made payments to the College.

How do I contact the Ombudsman Group?

If you’ve completed the preparation steps above, and you have done everything you can to resolve
your dispute, contact the Ombudsman Group through one of these methods:

Postal Mail:

U.S. Department of Education
FSA Ombudsman Group
P.O. Box 1843
Monticello, KY 42633

Phone: 1-877-557-2575

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E. Financial Policies

1. Enrollment Deposit:

All entering students pay a $300 enrollment deposit. This deposit holds their position in the class. This deposit is held in escrow and credited to the student’s account upon graduation or withdrawal from the College after completing at least one semester. Students withdrawing from the College without meeting this requirement forfeit their enrollment deposit.

2. Billing and Payment:

Tuition, fees, room and board are billed by semester. Typically, the fall semester eBill is available online at LionPay late June or early July.  This initial statement reflects charges and anticipated financial aid credits for the Fall term and any balance reflected as “Total Payment Due” is payable by August 3. Spring semester eBills are issued mid-December with a due date in mid-January. A financial plan should be established to settle any balance due by the initial due date of each semester.

After the semester has begun, subsequent monthly eBills are issued electronically via LionPay and will include any transactions from the prior statement date. Other charges that may appear include purchases from the bookstore and snack bars, Gable Health Center, field trip fees, and fines and penalties. Credit balances incurred are reflected as negative Payment Due ($-xxx.xx).

The balance on College statements is required to be fully paid by the indicated “Payment Due Date.”  Late fees at a rate of 1.5% (18% annually) will be assessed to the student account on any unpaid balance.   Late fees will also be assessed when required financial aid documentation is not received by the Financial Aid Office to complete their verification review and for incomplete Direct Stafford Loan Master Promissory Notes and Entrance Counseling.  These fees will continue to accrue each month on all past due balances.

All student account transactions can be viewed online at LionPay. This secure website allows you to receive eBill statements electronically, view current account activity including your account balance information and process payments via electronic check or credit card. It also allows you to designate a parent or other family member as a Payer so they can view your eBills and process payments on your behalf.

As an option to settle your balance each semester, we offer a five or four month payment plan that allows you to spread your owed balance over a period of time. Payment plans can be viewed by clicking on “View payment plan options” at LionPay.

Students are granted auxiliary credit privileges to charge purchases at the college bookstore or at the various snack bar venues. These charges are posted weekly to the student account and are payable when reflected on the next eBill. Students are urged to use these privileges appropriately.

Questions relating to any charge appearing on the eBill should be brought to the attention of the Student Accounts Office within seven days of receipt.

Outstanding account balances are subject to late payment fees, as well as the suspension of auxiliary charging privileges. Additionally, any student with an outstanding account balance will be ineligible to register for classes for an upcoming semester and select a room during housing lottery.

3. Institutional Refund Policy:

Tuition, room, board and other fees are based on an academic year of study and billed on a semester basis. A full time student is defined as being registered for a minimum of three to five courses per semester. Part-time students are defined as taking one or two courses. Any refund of tuition charges to the student account are processed when the enrollment status changes from full time to part time prior to the end of the drop/add period in accordance with College policies described below. Students are not eligible for refund adjustments for withdrawing from courses after the drop/add period expires.

The College recognizes that individual circumstances may dictate a withdrawal before the end of any given semester.  In this event and upon receipt of the withdrawal notice, the Student Accounts office will prorate the tuition and fees, and room and board, as applicable, according to the official withdrawal date per the refund schedule noted below:

  • Beginning Wednesday the first week of semester 95%
  • Second week of semester 90%
  • Third week of semester 75%
  • Fourth week of semester 50%
  • Fifth week of semester 25%
  • Sixth week of semester no refund

The student account is also subject to the assessment of an administrative fee of $200 and the cancellation fees delineated in the annual residential housing and food service contract.

Eligibility to retain federal financial aid is determined by the Financial Aid Office in accordance with federal regulations. Albright College grant and scholarship funds will be adjusted based on the percentage of tuition charged according to the withdrawal date. For further details, please reference the College Catalog.

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F. Hoverboards, Drones, Skateboards, and other Devices Policy

Hoverboards are not permitted on the Albright College Campus due to fire safety and operator safety concerns. Hoverboards include but are not limited to self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, hands-free segways and electronic-powered skateboards. In-line skates, skateboards and roller blades are also not permitted to be used in any College-owned facility. Drones are also strictly prohibited on campus. Devices found on campus grounds will be confiscated and the user/owner will be referred to Community Standards for violation of college policy.

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G. Organization Policy

1. Any student or student organization that aids, abets, encourages, requests, initiates, or assists any other student, non-student or student organization in acts that violate a policy constitutes an organizational offense.

2. Societies, clubs, Fraternity and Sorority Organizations, athletic teams or similar organized groups in or recognized by the College are subject to the same standards as individuals in the community. The committing of any offenses by such groups or the failure of any organized group to exercise preventative measures relative to violations of the code by their members shall constitute an organizational offense. To be classified as an organizational offense, one (or more) of the following circumstances must have occurred: the offense was conducted with the knowledge, authorization or approval of an executive officer and or member(s) of the organization; organizational or group funds were utilized to support the offense; a significant number of organization members participated, supported or were aware of the misconduct; the misconduct occurred in any reserved space on or off campus that serves as a College function. The misconduct occurred as a result of or during an organization-sponsored function or activity; or the misconduct was, by its nature, deemed to be an organizational offense. Both the individual and organization will be held accountable for misconduct originating from one event or activity.

3. The organization as a whole as well as students individually shall be subject to disciplinary action as if the student or student organization had actually committed the violation. Any violation of the Student Code of Conduct by members of a student organization may result in both the organization and the members involved in the behavior being subject to disciplinary action up to and including dissolution of the organization.

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H. Parental Notification

1. The Dean of Students has the authority to notify parents or guardians about possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct under the following circumstances: when students have authorized the College to release educational records to parents or guardians, when students under the age of 21 are found to have committed any violation of the College’s policies on alcohol or drug violation, when students are involved in a disciplinary violation that could result in suspension or expulsion from the College, or when students are facing a medical or psychological emergency.

2. The Higher Education Amendments of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), permit post-secondary institutions to disclose to parents and legal guardians of students under the age of 21, without the student’s consent, information regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state or local law, or any policy of the institution governing the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances.

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I. Posting Policy

Posting is considered to be any information tacked, tied, taped, stapled or written on any surface on campus. This also includes all forms of electronic postings. It is an expectation that all members of the College community will adhere to the policy and will aid in removing expired and improperly posted notices.

1. Location
a. All materials must be posted on bulletin boards or cork strips or (in the Campus Center) designated posting lines and designated posting areas. No postings are permitted on glass, painted, wooden, metal, plastic or other surfaces. Sufficient posting spaces are available in all buildings. Suggestions for additional bulletin board and cork strip locations are welcome; please notify the dean of students.
b. Bulletin boards and cork strips are designated as either “College community” or “academic.”
c. In some buildings, “academic” bulletin boards or cork strips have been designated specifically for academic and other official postings. To post on academic boards/strips, permission must be obtained from the building secretary, the Office of Housing and Residential Life, or the sponsoring faculty, staff or administrator.
d. Permission is not needed for posting on “College community” boards/strips as long as the posting policy is adhered to.
e. Items may not be posted on any outside areas except on bulletin boards provided expressly for this purpose. Outside areas include lampposts, street signs, sidewalks, exterior walls and doors, utility poles, trees and other immobile objects considered part of their property.
f. Items may not be distributed among parked vehicles.
g. Chalking is permitted on sidewalks only.

2. Content and Size
a. All materials must include the name of the sponsor and relevant event information.
b. Materials that promote the use of alcohol or other drugs or that promote discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, and/or national origin, or that are obscene, socially inappropriate or intimidating, or that are offensive to the prevailing standards of an academic community, are prohibited. Guidance as to the appropriateness of postings may be sought from the Campus Center Office, faculty advisers, the dean of students, or the director of housing and residential life.
c. Sponsors are permitted one sign per bulletin board or cork strip.
d. Personal message postings (i.e., happy birthday or congratulations) may not exceed 3’x3′.
e. Postings promoting events may not exceed 8 1/2″ x 14″. An example of a posting that contains appropriate material and is of an accepted size is available in the Office of Student Affairs.

3. Duration
a. On “College community” boards/strips, personal message postings (i.e., happy birthday or congratulations) may not stay up for more than one week and must include the date posted. Personal message posting may be removed earlier if space is needed.
b. On “College community” boards/strips, postings promoting events must be removed within 72 hours following the event.
c. Removal of materials from “academic” bulletin boards/strips is at the discretion of the sponsor.

4. Removal
a. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to remove materials.
b. If members of the campus community deem it necessary to remove materials that otherwise adhere to the approved posting policy, they must first notify the sponsor and explain why they wish to remove the materials. If the materials are removed, they must be returned to the sponsor.
c. Postings by people who are not Albright students, faculty, staff or administration are prohibited without the permission of the Campus Center Office.

5. Violations
Violations to the Posting Policy may result in corrective action by the appropriate disciplinary body.

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J. Preferred Name Policy

Albright College recognizes that students might opt to use a preferred first name rather than their legal name.  Albright’s Preferred Name Policy provides this option and supports the community’s belief in inclusion.  Examples of where a preferred name might be used include international students wishing to use an alternate name, or transgender students wishing to use a name that represents their gender identity.   The goal of the Albright College Preferred Name Policy is to provide students a consistent preferred name across all College systems wherever a legal name is not required by law.

Unlike a nickname, a preferred first name should be usable in social circles and with professors and staff members on campus. We encourage students considering use of a preferred name to use good judgement in their selection.  Please note that all campus preferred name requests are subject to review and approval.

The Albright policy allows for a preferred first name only; therefore, your legal last name will appear with your preferred first name. Your legal first name will not appear on internal documents, or in areas modified to accommodate the preferred name.

The Albright College Preferred Name Policy is used in all cases where a legal name is not required. Examples of where your primary/legal name is required include but are not limited to:

  • Financial Aid & Student Account Records
  • Student Employment, Payroll, and Tax Documents
  • Official and Unofficial College Transcripts
  • Federal Immigration Documents
  • Enrollment Documents used in certificate programs or state licensure

International students are encouraged to indicate a preferred first name if they wish; however, this policy does not apply in situations where a legal name is required.  For F-1 or J-1 student visa purposes, for example, the legal name must be used.

If you wish to declare a preferred name, do so by completing the Albright College Preferred Name Request Form available in Self-Service under My Profile > Personal Information > Preferred Name Information.  If you have questions regarding the Albright College Preferred Name Policy, or the process for updating your records with a preferred name, please contact the Albright College Registrar’s office at 610-921-7256.

K. Self-Care

The ability to maintain good self-care is an essential responsibility for all community members. Students are responsible for good personal hygiene and activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, and transferring (moving out of beds or chairs unassisted). Extreme uncleanliness and poor hygiene can jeopardize the safety and health of all members of the community. In addition, students who reside in the residence halls are expected to maintain clean, sanitary, and safe conditions. Students are encouraged to access resources such as the Gable Health and Counseling Center, Student Accessibility and Advocacy office, and Residential Life department to assist with self-care challenges. Students who are unable to perform activities of daily living should hire a personal attendant/aide to assist them. For further information regarding personal attendants/aides on campus, please contact the Student Accessibility and Advocacy office.

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L. Smoking Policy

Smoking, the use of electronic cigarettes, oral tobacco, and other smoking material is prohibited in ALL college owned property (classrooms, residence halls/houses, etc.) on campus. The college views the use of electronic cigarettes, oral tobacco, and other smoking material to be synonymous with smoking. Smoking is not permitted within 25 feet of all college owned property, apartments and houses. Refrain from smoking near windows and overhangs. All debris must be disposed of properly. Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a fine and/or disciplinary action.

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M. Solicitation and Sales

Solicitation and sales are strictly prohibited on College premises. This applies to all members of the Albright community, as well as outside constituents. Such acts should be reported to Public Safety.

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N. Student Demonstration Policy

1. The trustees, administration and faculty of Albright College are pledged to the growth and development of the institution as a place where men and women can search for truth and justice and develop into responsible, law¬-abiding citizens. Albright College is dedicated to intellectual development through the process of rational decision ¬making and to freedom of thought and opinion. It welcomes responsible dissent and dialogue with respect to the issues of our times. Freedom for members of the Albright community to protest by lawful means must be, and will be, protected. Appropriate expressions of dissent are welcome so long as these expressions do not interfere with the rights of other students, faculty, administrators and staff to conduct their normal duties in the regular operation of the College. The procedure for demonstrations by members of the Albright community is outlined on the Public Safety Web page. Albright College is open to the discussion of any issue with the College community. Individuals have recourse both through campus organizations and appropriate College administrators. Most campus demonstrations, marches, picketing and rallies are peaceful and non-disruptive. Therefore, those requesting permission to demonstrate will be provided a suitable location, and every attempt will be made to ensure that those participating do so in a safe manner.

Unlawful disruption includes activities that: (i) deny rights of students, faculty, staff or guests of the College; (ii) disrupt or obstruct College activities; (iii) deny rights of those engaged in peaceful discussion or dissent; (iv) deny free movement of anyone, on any part of the campus or College-owned or -leased property; (v) deny the use of offices or other College facilities to students, faculty, staff, trustees or guests; (vi) endanger the safety of any person on College property; (vii) threaten the destruction of, or cause destruction to, College-owned or -leased property.

2. Peaceful, Non-Obstructive Demonstrations

Generally, demonstrations of this kind will not be interrupted. Those desiring to demonstrate must first obtain permission from the provost, senior vice president of student and campus life, or vice president of administration and finance. Upon written request, permission will be granted and will include any stipulations, if necessary. This request may be made in the form of an email to any of the aforementioned. The written request will include date and time of demonstration, location requested, number of participants expected, and reason for demonstration. Request must be presented 24 hours prior to time of scheduled demonstration. Demonstrations shall be restricted to Science Field, Kelchner Field, or the Commuter Parking Lot, and will be assigned according to availability. Members of the Albright College community will be permitted to distribute leaflets, circulate petitions, and picket, if it is done consistent with this established procedure and not in violation of the aforementioned items letters a¬-g. In an effort to provide a safe environment for demonstrators, a demonstration shall only be conducted during daylight hours, unless express permission has been received by the provost, dean of students, or vice president of administration and finance. Members of Public Safety will monitor all demonstrations to ensure that those participating are doing so in a safe environment and that the requirements of this policy are being met. When the aforementioned requirements for a peaceful demonstration are not being followed, the provost, dean of students, vice president for administration and finance, or director of public safety will advise demonstrators to disperse. In the event of violent demonstration – with potential for injury, or actual injury to persons, or damage to property – the director of public safety will immediately contact the police department having jurisdiction. Upon the arrival of the responding police department – they will assume control. Public Safety officers will provide assistance as requested.

If a campus building is obstructed or the normal activities of the College are interrupted, the provost, dean of students, vice president for administrative and financial services, or director of public safety will advise demonstrators to cease such activity.

Failure to discontinue unacceptable behavior will result in immediate contact with the police department having jurisdiction. Public Safety will provide assistance as requested.

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O. Student Records

Student records for student and campus life are maintained in each office reporting to the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life. The Dean of Students Office holds conduct records resulting from citations to the Student Code of Conduct for seven years after the student graduates. The files for students who do not graduate are held intact indefinitely. Students may not return to Albright College until the hearing has been held and a decision has been reached regarding the outstanding incident.

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P. Vehicle Registration and Parking Regulations

1. Registration

All Albright College employees and undergraduate students who desire to use Albright parking facilities must register their vehicles with the Department of Public Safety.

$40 parking registration fee is required from all full-time undergraduate students. These monies are earmarked for safety improvements in the parking lots such as the College’s Video Surveillance System. Students must place their parking hang tags on the rearview mirror. Employees will be issued parking stickers which must also be placed on their rearview mirror, facing out. Proper placement allows for easy identification of a vehicle in situations where the Department of Public Safety must contact the owner.

Students who use Albright parking lots are required to register their vehicles each year with the Department of Public Safety. When students register their vehicles, the $40 fee per vehicle, will be attached to the Student Account records. Students who change vehicles during the academic year must register the new vehicle with the Department of Public Safety, at which time the parking hang tag may be transferred to the new vehicle.

Employees are only required to register one time; however, if a change of vehicle occurs, a new permit sticker is required. If employees have additional vehicles they may wish to park on campus lots from time to time, they must register them and obtain parking stickers for them.

Registration can be completed online at the website of the Department of Public Safety (hang tags will be delivered via campus mail) or in person at the Public Safety Office, located at 1311 College Avenue, which is open 24/7.

All undergraduate resident students will be issued Red & White color hang tags with Black & White letters. These permits allow resident students to park on the lots at Mohn Hall, North Hall, Rockland Hall, Albright Woods and the new residence hall located in the 1700 block of 12th St. and  on a first come basis. Overflow resident parking may be along city streets as city restrictions or signage may allow. Its vital students are aware of resident permit parking only signage in the blocks of 1600 block of Palm St., 1400 block of Union St.

The Department of Public Safety encourages members of the Albright community who plan to park off campus to register their vehicles and obtain parking hang tags and parking stickers in the event of a problem (e.g., lights left on); registration enables the Department of Public Safety to identify and contact the owner.

2. Student Guest Temporary Parking Permits

It is necessary to obtain a temporary parking permit from the Department of Public Safety and to have it displayed on the dashboard when students have guests or when a vehicle will be parked on campus for a period of time not to exceed the three-day on-campus housing rule, which is more fully described in the most recent Community Guide (Guest/Escort Policy).

3. Long-Term Leased Vehicles

Whenever a College department leases a vehicle for long term usage, it is necessary to register the car to obtain a parking sticker to be displayed on the rear-view mirror on the driver’s side of the vehicle, whether parked on the street or on campus. This is needed in the event the vehicle must be moved from its stationary status for an emergency.

4. Parking/Parking Locations

“Students” refers to all students, including SPS and graduate students, with valid parking permits. “Employees” refers to faculty members, staff and administrators with valid parking permits.

Lot Saturday–Sunday Monday–Friday
Main Lot Employees, guests and students 7 a.m. –5 p.m.

Employees and guests

5 p.m. – 7 a.m.

Employees, guests & students

Computer Science/Chapel Employees, guests and students 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.


10 p.m.–7 a.m.

Employees, guests and students

Bollman/Schumo Employees, guests and students 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Employees and guests

10 p.m. – 6 a.m.

Employees, guests and students

Athletic (Turtle Dome) Employees, guests and students 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Employees and guests

10 p.m. – 7 a.m.

Employees, guests and students

Gene Shirk Stadium Students with valid parking hang tags, employees and guests COMMUTER students with valid hang tags, employees and guests
Camp Building Employees and registered tenants only Employees and registered tenants only


Selwyn No parking without authorization No parking without authorization
Albright Woods Students and guests
Students and guests
Mohn Students and guests
Students and guests
North (large volume of
vacant spaces in this lot)
Albright Court Court Resident Assistant and students Court Resident Assistant and students
Roessner Hall Northwest (Rockland St. access) Employees, guests and students 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Faculty and guests

5 p.m. – 7 a.m.

Employees, guests and students

Roessner Hall Southwest (Richmond St. access) Employees, guests and students 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Faculty, guests and students

5 p.m. – 7 a.m.

Employees, guests and students

Roessner Hall Southeast (13th St. access)
(Community Media Bldg.)
BDTF & WXAC employees ONLY BCTF & WXAC employees ONLY
Roessner Hall East (13th St. -Wells Fargo Bank) Employees, guests and students: Saturday 12 noon – Monday 7 a.m. Bank employees and patrons ONLY
BCTF & WXAC employees ONLY


5. Visitor/Guest Parking

All members of the Albright community should make every effort to make our guests feel welcome upon their arrival on campus. When offices or departments are expecting guests, the host should obtain guest parking permits from the Department of Public Safety. If possible, the host should distribute the parking permit to the guest prior to arrival and instruct the guest to place the parking permit on the dashboard. Visitors may park in any available space in the Main Parking Lot on the corner of 13th and Bern Streets, except the ones designated for College officials, persons with valid permits, guests of the Admission Office and the 15-minute restricted spaces. Should these designated spaces not be accessible, guests may park in any available space in the Gene Shirk Stadium/Commuter Parking Lot on the corner of 13th and Exeter Streets. Unexpected guests should be assisted by the host office/department in obtaining a special parking permit and parking location from the Department of Public Safety.

6. Handicapped Parking

The College provides designated handicap accessible spaces throughout campus. Campus handicapped access signs comply with applicable state and/or federal laws. Cars parked illegally in these spaces are subject to ticketing or towing at the owner’s expense. Students with handicap placards are also required to have proper Resident or Commuter parking permits. Anyone requiring a permanent handicapped parking space should contact the Department of Public Safety to make proper arrangements.

 7. Special Temporary Parking Needs

In the event that employees, students or guests have extenuating needs for a temporary parking pass, either long-term or short term, arrangements should be made through the Department of Public Safety, which will assist in any way possible. Long-term parking will be limited to an issue time of four weeks and short-term parking arrangements will be issued for a period not to exceed two weeks. If either request for special parking privileges needs to be extended, the individual must contact an officer in the Public Safety office for further review.

8. City and Township Street Parking

Although city and township regulations allow parking on public streets, members of the Albright community should be sensitive to the need to maintain good community relations and avoid, whenever possible, parking in front of private residences when there are alternative locations. The City of Reading has granted parking permits to the residents along the west sides of Palm and Amity Streets and, therefore, non-residents are prohibited from parking at these locations. Under no circumstances should a member of the Albright community block a private driveway.

Failure to abide by public parking ordinances and regulations may result in traffic citations issued by the appropriate city or township police departments.

9. Parking Restrictions

a. Parking is prohibited in any fire lane, loading dock, reserved space or area marked “No Parking”, including but not limited to:
1)Masters Hall Circle (designated fire lane)
2) East fire lane in front of Mohn Hall
3) Campus Center loading dock
4) Center for the Arts loading dock
5) Science Hall loading dock
6) Entire driveway entering the parking lot of North Hall
7) Either side of the main driveway to Albright Woods
8) Entrance to any delivery, service or trash removal area
9) Unpaved landscaped areas, unless authorized by the Department of Public Safety or Facilities Services and Operations.

b. Penalties
Unregistered vehicle/no current permit displayed $50
Unauthorized parking in handicapped space $50
Parking in a loading zone $25
Parking in a fire lane $25
Parking in a no parking/driving zone $25
Parking on sidewalk/grass $25
Parking in reserved/restricted spaces $20
Exceeding 15-minute parking limit $20
Improperly displayed hanging permit, sticker $20

Violators are responsible for payment of towing charges in addition to the above-stated penalty. Commonwealth statutes hold private institutions harmless from any liability associated with towing of vehicles from private parking lots.

 10. Towing of Vehicle

The Department of Public Safety reserves the right to arrange to tow any vehicle when the location of the vehicle presents a hazardous or emergency situation.

 11. Responsibility for Violations

The owner/operator of a vehicle registered with the Department of Public Safety is responsible for any and all violations and related penalties. It is incumbent upon the owner/operator to ensure that all operators of the vehicle are made aware of the College’s parking rules and regulations, which can be found in the student handbook, in the rules and regulations distributed electronically to all full-time undergraduate students and on the College’s website.

12. Appeal Hearings

If you believe that a parking citation you have received is unwarranted, you have the right to request a hearing by completing an appeal form, which can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety and submitted to that office within five calendar days of the date of issuance. An appeal hearing will be conducted by the Assistant Director of Public Safety who has been designated as the Hearing Examiner. At the time of submission of an appeal form, each appellant will be assigned a date and time for a hearing, which is mutually agreed upon. You may, before the date of the hearing, request a new date in the event of an unanticipated conflict. Only one new hearing may be requested. Failure to appear for a scheduled hearing will result in an additional $5 fine to your citation and the forfeit of any right to appeal. Failure to request a hearing within five days of the parking citation or failure to appear at your hearing will result in your forfeiting any appeal rights. A plea of ignorance of the Albright College parking policy will not be accepted as an excuse for violation. The appellant will be contacted either by correspondence or email within three days after the hearing, by the Hearing Examiner, who will advise of the verdict of said hearing. Should the appellant feel the verdict and conclusion of the Hearing Examiner to be unjustified and unfair, the appellant may, within three days of receiving notice from the Hearing Examiner, may contact the Assistant Director of Public Safety, by phone or email, to request an additional hearing of the appeal. A date and time will be scheduled for said hearing, which will be conducted and administered by the Director of Public Safety. The decision by the director will be final and absolute.

This regulation, dated July 20, 2023, supersedes any and all previous Albright College parking regulations.

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Q. Withdrawal Policy

Updated 12/13/2021

Students are expected to be enrolled, and attending classes, continuously from their initial enrollment through graduation. Understanding that unexpected events may occur, the College allows for a student to request a full withdrawal. Albright College reserves the right to initiate or mandate withdrawal and reserves the right to defer or refuse readmission. References in this policy to “withdrawal” refer to full withdrawal from all courses. To assist you in your decision to withdraw, please refer to the Withdrawal FAQs, or contact the Assistant Provost at 610-929-6653 with any questions.

The following types of withdrawal are addressed in this policy: voluntary, voluntary medical and mandated medical. Issues of Community Standards violations or academic dismissals will be handled by the appropriate department.

1. Voluntary Withdrawal Policy

A student who wishes to leave the College for personal or medical reasons may request a withdrawal. A withdrawn student is no longer considered a degree candidate; he/she may not remain living in residence on campus, and may not participate in College activities as an enrolled student. If a student indicates a medical or mental health reason for withdrawal, they will be required to submit documentation of follow up treatment to the Gable Health and Counseling Center prior to readmission.

a) Procedure

 1. If the student is unsure about their decision to withdraw, or has questions, the student should contact the          Assistant Provost at 610-929-6653 to schedule an appointment.

 2. To initiate a withdrawal, a student must access Student Withdrawal Information and Form by logging into Student eDocs.
3. The student’s withdrawal is effective immediately once the form is submitted, or on the last date of the semester if the student is completing the semester’s coursework. Resident students are expected to remove all personal belongings from their assigned space and return keys and student ID cards to Residential Life or Public Safety when they leave.

Academic Note: Withdrawal without penalty is allowed up to one week after mid-term grades are issued. The designation in this case is W (Withdrawn) and is so noted on the student’s record. Withdrawal from a course in the period after the above date and three weeks prior to the beginning of final examinations will result in the student’s receiving a W or a WF (Withdrawn Failing) at the discretion of the instructor.
Any student withdrawing from a course in the last three weeks of a semester automatically receives a WF, except for reasons of illness or other dire circumstances as determined by the provost. The grade of WF is counted as an F in computing the student’s cumulative average. Grades of F are recorded for courses from which there has been no official withdrawal. Official withdrawal requires that a withdrawal form be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Financial Note: A student who withdraws during the first five weeks of the semester is eligible for a partial refund of tuition, room and board charges on a pro-rated basis. There is no refund of tuition, room and board charges for a student who withdraws after the fifth week of the semester. Students should consult the Financial Aid Office to determine how withdrawal will affect their individual aid packages.

Non-attendance in class does not constitute withdrawal. Unless a student has filed an official withdrawal, instructors must assign final grades that reflect the student’s academic performance and work completed.

b) Readmission

1. If less than a year has lapsed since a student’s withdrawal from Albright and he/she has not attended classes at another institution, he/she should contact the Admission Office for readmission. Readmission will be granted after review and approval by College administration.
2. If more than a year has lapsed since a student’s withdrawal and/or a student has attended classes at another institution, he/she must contact the Admission Office and reapply for admission.
3. The College reserves the right to refuse readmission.

2. Voluntary Medical Withdrawal

All requests for medical withdrawals require the recommendation of the College’s health or counseling care providers. Recommendations are typically but not exclusively based on the following:

• Evaluation by staff at the Gable Health and Counseling Center
• Letter from a physician or mental health professional submitted to Gable Health and Counseling Center for review
• Evaluation from a hospital Emergency Room department submitted to Gable Health and Counseling Center for review

a) Procedure

1. Students must be evaluated by the Gable Health and Counseling Center. A letter from the physician or clinical psychologist must be provided to the Gable Health and Counseling Center.
2. Students seeking a medical withdrawal must access Student Withdrawal Information and Form by logging into Student eDocs and note medical or mental health as reason for withdrawal.
3. The student will be allowed to register for classes again only after the health center and/or counseling center has authorized a return to classes. Documentation should be provided to the college at least 45 days prior to anticipated return.
4. If a student has taken coursework at another institution after withdrawal, he/she may need to reapply as a transfer student through the Admission office.

b) Readmission

1. Students are expected to address the medical/psychiatric issues that initiated the withdrawal prior to seeking readmission. Students are expected to remain in treatment until the presenting issues are resolved which is typically during the time that they are out of school.
2. A student seeking readmission after a voluntary medical withdrawal should contact the office of the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or the Dean of Students Office.
3. Readmission will require providing relevant medical information to the Gable Health and Counseling Center such as certification by the student’s health care provider, or psychologist that the student participated in a course of treatment to resolve issues that precipitated the medical leave, is able to attend classes and is able to conform to the standards of residential living. Return to the College may be contingent upon signing a behavioral contract. Such contracts may require the student to acknowledge that certain behaviors are proscribed.

3. Mandated Withdrawal Policy

A key component of Albright College’s mission is to provide a safe residential learning community where students are able to pursue their academic and social goals. The College may require a student to withdraw from the college if reason exists for the College to believe the student’s continued presence on campus poses a significant threat to self or to others or to the stability and continuance of normal college operations.

A. Mandated Medical or Psychological Withdrawal: Typically, a mandated medical or psychological withdrawal will arise from a student exhibiting acute or persistent health or behavioral problems, despite having been offered or provided with reasonable accommodations, such as those made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The College may initiate the mandated medical or psychological withdrawal process if, in the judgment of the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or the Behavioral Intervention Team, a student:

1. Engages or threatens to engage in behavior that poses a danger of harm to self or others, causes significant property damage, or substantially affects the health or safety of others.
2. Is not able to adequately address daily living skills to the extent that they cannot function independently and/or safely in the residential milieu.
3. Interferes with or disrupts the operations, activities, or functions of the College or fails to comply with the behavioral requirements of a College official in the performance of his/her duty with regard to the College’s commitments to both the individual and the community.
4. In rare cases, a mandated withdrawal may co-occur with hospitalization or visit to the hospital. Occasionally, a student is released within hours or within a day or two of entering a hospital. If the student lives on campus, he/she must find alternative accommodations off campus.

B. Procedure

1. Any individual who believes that a student meets the criteria described above should contact the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or the Behavioral Intervention Team.
2. The Office of the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life will alert the Behavioral Intervention Team to conduct a preliminary investigation and, if necessary, consult with Academic Affairs, Counseling Services, or other appropriate offices. The student may be required to undergo assessment by a medical/psychological provider identified by the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, in consultation with the Director of Gable Counseling Center. If the student fails to complete this assessment, the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or designee, may implement a mandated medical or psychological withdrawal immediately.
3. If a mandated medical or psychological withdrawal is implemented, the terms of the leave will be communicated to the student in writing. Students are expected to address the medical/psychiatric issues that initiated the withdrawal prior to seeking readmission.
4. The decision of the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer concerning a mandated medical or psychological withdrawal is final.

C. Readmission

1. A student seeking readmission after a mandated medical or psychological withdrawal should contact the office of the Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or the Dean of Students Office.
2. Readmission will require providing relevant medical information to the Gable Health and Counseling Center, including certification by the student’s health care provider or psychologist that the student participated in a course of treatment to resolve issues that precipitated the medical leave, is able to attend classes and is able to conform to the standards of residential living. Documentation should be provided to the college at least 45 days prior to anticipated return.
3. The Senior Vice President of Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer, or designee, has the authority to make the final decision regarding return to the College, including return to activities and residential life, and may determine additional criteria for a student to return.
4. Return to the College may be contingent upon signing a behavioral contract. Such contracts may require the student to acknowledge that certain behaviors are proscribed and that if they reoccur, withdrawal from the College will be mandated.
5. In no case will the student be permitted to attend classes or dining hall meals or participate in extracurricular activities until the review assessment has been completed.

Albright College Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire and educate the scholar and leader in each student, building on a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences and a commitment to the best of human values, fostering a commitment to a lifetime of service and learning.

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