Quality/Non-Quality (ACAD) – Albright College

Quality/Non-Quality (ACAD)

Effective March 2021

The designation of the Quality/Non-Quality (Q/NQ) grade has been devised to encourage students to take interesting and challenging courses outside their general area of knowledge. Quality work is C- or better; non-quality work is D+ or less. A student must request this designation during the fourth week of a fall or spring semester or the eighth day of an interim or summer session. The grades Q and NQ are not counted in the cumulative average; both the Q and NQ, however, do appear on the student’s transcript. A student may reverse the Q/NQ designation and request to take the final grade earned but to do so must inform the Registrar’s Office of this reversal within 30 days of the end of the semester in which the course was taken. Reversing the designation may occur only once per course and applies only to courses not offered as Q/NQ only.

In addition to courses offered as Q/NQ only, one course may be registered for Q/NQ during each academic year a student attends the College. Q/NQ options may be used for general studies and for electives but not in the major. Any course that was previously registered as Q/NQ and is later used to meet major requirements will be reversed to the original letter grade submitted. Any course first elected as Q/NQ and later reversed will count toward the maximum number allowed.


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