Performance Evaluation Policy (HR_EMP)
Policy Name Performance Evaluations
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Responsible Department Human Resources
Policy to be Approved By Cabinet
Responsible VP Vice President of Administrative & Financial Services
Responsible AVP or Director Director of Human Resources
Original Policy Date Last Known Revision Date
Date of Policy Review: Policy Applies To
Recommended Policy Review Date
Additional Authority/References
Policy Purpose
☐Rejected ☐Tabled or Further Review Needed Comments: |
Performance Evaluation
The supervisor shall coach and counsel each employee supervised on an ongoing basis. At least annually, the supervisor shall complete a formal evaluation of each position he or she supervises, establish performance goals, complete a performance appraisal form and conduct a performance appraisal interview with each employee supervised. This evaluation is intended to accomplish the following:
- Communicate expectations regarding performance
- Establish goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely
- Provide feedback
- Assist in the development of strategies to achieve job requirements
- Diagnose strengths and areas that need continued development
- Formulate a development plan for improving job performance
- Identify and review additional professional opportunities
Practices and Procedures
- Each supervisor shall perform an annual audit of the position descriptions under his/her purview, review the audit results with the employee, obtain the concurrence of the next level of supervision, and forward the information to the Office of Human Resources for processing.
- Each employee shall receive an updated job description as appropriate following description review and update. This shall be accomplished during the annual performance evaluation process.
- The supervisor shall complete the College evaluation form prior to the appraisal discussion and obtain concurrence of the next level of supervision.
- An open and direct discussion between supervisor and employee should occur. This discussion should help the employee in developmental planning for professional growth.
- If the employee disagrees with any part of the performance appraisal rating, the employee should first discuss the matter with the supervisor. If areas of disagreement continue to exist, the employee may respond in writing on a separate sheet of paper, describing specifically the areas of disagreement, and submit it to the next level supervisor for review and discussion.
- Personnel shall sign the performance appraisal form. Signing indicates concurrence with the content unless indicated as an objection as delineated in #5 above.
- A copy of the signed performance appraisal form should be reviewed by the supervisor and provided to the employee.
- Completed performance appraisal forms shall be sent to the Office of Human Resources for the Director’s review and signature.
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