effective 4/2020 – Albright College

effective 4/2020

Excessive Heat Standard for Albright Athletics

Based on recommendations from the National Athletic Trainers Association, NCAA and the Korey Stringer Institute, updated guidelines have been created to better protect our student-athletes from Exertional Heat Stress (EHS).  These guidelines were created utilizing Wet Bulb Globe Temperature(1, 2, 3) and heat safety thresholds for athletics(1). A Wet Bulb Globe Temperature measuring device utilizes ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind and solar radiation to get a measure that can be used to monitor environmental conditions during exercise(1,2, 3).  As environmental temperature and humidity increase, the heat stress placed on the exercising athlete increases as well.  While exercising in the heat an athlete’s body relies on evaporation of sweat from the skin as the primary method of dissipating heat that is produced by the muscles.   As humidity increases, the ability to dissipate heat through evaporation is further hindered, causing an increased body temperature.  This then causes an increased risk of EHS(3).

Below is a Heat Safety Table modeled off the recommendations of Grundstein et al(3). This table provides a guideline for modification of activity based on the environmental conditions.  Albright College falls into the Category 2 region.



  • Casa, DJ et al “National Athletic Trainers Association Position Statement:  Exertional Heal Illness”  Journal of Athletic Training  2015;  50(9):  986-1000
  • Grundstein, A   Williams, C.  et al “Regional Heat Safety Thresholds for Athletics in the Continguous United States” Applied Geography  2015; 56:  55-60.
  • Kory Stringer Institute  “Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Monitoring” ksi.uconn.edu