effective 11/2018
Written examinations are given at frequent intervals during the semester, at the discretion of the instructor, and at the end of each semester. If, for a legitimate reason, a student is absent on the day scheduled for an announced examination, the student must initiate a request for the instructor to administer a deferred examination.
Students are expected to take their final examinations as scheduled. Accordingly, students should not make plans to leave campus before the last final examination period.
No student is required to take more than two regularly scheduled final examinations on any one day. Any student who has three or more examinations scheduled on one day is responsible for talking to and submitting a written request for rescheduling to each instructor at least two weeks before the beginning of the first scheduled final examination in order to reach a solution. If none of the instructors agrees to reschedule, the student must contact the chief academic officer at least one week before the beginning of the first scheduled final examination in order to reach a solution.