Effective 10/2020 – Albright College

Effective 10/2020

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Policy Name Contractor Policy
Policy Category Safety
Policy Approved By Cabinet
Responsible Division Head or VP Senior Vice President for Student and Campus Life and Chief Health Officer
Responsible Department The Department of Public Safety
Responsible AVP or Director Director of Public Safety
Original Policy Date 10/14/2020
Last Known Revision Date 10/14/2020
Current Policy Effective Date Click or tap to enter a date.  Leave blank initially.  To be completed upon approval of this draft policy.  Format MM/DD/YYYY
Recommended Policy Review Date 10/14/2021
Policy Applies To Guests/Vendors
Additional Authority/References Related policies, local, state, or federal laws, or regulations that influence this policy.



Albright College is committed to providing the safest possible environment for all members of the campus community. The purpose of the contractor policy is to establish workplace safety requirements for contractors while on Albright College property.



All contractors and vendors shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of their contract with the College. All contractors and vendors shall take precautions for the safety of, and shall provide protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to: (1) all students, employees, and visitors of the College; (2) employees on the work site and other persons who may be affected hereby; (3) the work, materials, and equipment to be incorporated therein; and (4) other property at the site or adjacent thereto. Additionally, there must be adherence to general requirements and operating procedures specific to Albright College.

All contractors and vendors shall give notice and ensure that the performance of its work is in full compliance with the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on the safety of persons and property and their protection from damage, injury or loss, including, but not limited to, the Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (US OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (PA L&I), the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), the Department of Transportation (US DOT and Pennsylvania DOT), the City of Reading Department of Fire and Rescue Services, and the Muhlenberg Township Fire Marshal’s Office.

Contractors and vendors are not to disclose the nature, details, or updates regarding their work assignment to anyone other than the Albright College department who scheduled the work.



Contractor A person or company and employees and agents thereof, that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job for Albright or the campus or anywhere else, where the work requires the individual to be on campus.
Vendor A person or company offering something for sale, especially a trader in the street.


Sub-contractor A business or person that carries out work for a company as part of a larger project.


Annual Security Report The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, more commonly known as the Clery Act, requires colleges and universities to publish an annual report by October 1 that contains three years of campus crime and fire safety statistics and certain campus security policy statements.



Contract Provisions

All contractor and vendor contracts must include compliance with Albright Contractor and Vendor Management policy. The policy must be added to the contract as an addendum or, when referenced in the contract, provided independently of the contract.

These work rules are deemed applicable to contractors on the Albright College Campus but are not to be construed as all-inclusive. Rather, they merely provide general guidelines for contractors and their employees on Albright premises.

The provisions of this document do not in any way relieve the contractor or subcontractors of the responsibility for safe work performance and compliance with all regulatory requirements. The provisions of this document are intended to supplement governmental regulations and codes. When differences occur, the most stringent alternative will apply.

If a person defined as a contractor in the terms section of the policy is meeting on campus for an administrative function of their relationship with the college (e.g. sales meeting, product demonstration, etc.), then those individuals for those specific meetings are exempted from the background check requirement outlined in this policy.


Contractor and Vendor Responsibilities

Contractors and vendors are responsible for controlling the manner and methods of their operations, are directly responsible for the safety of their employees, and responsible for all sub-contractors under the contractor or vendor. To this end, the Contractor or vendor shall:

·         Assign a representative to coordinate with Albright College’s Project Manager and ensure compliance of all recognized safety standards, including but not limited to this manual.

·         Be responsible for all employees and subcontractor personnel adherence to safety regulations, Albright policies, and contents of this document.

·         Submit a copy of the contractor’s or vendor’s written safety program upon request of the Albright Environmental Health and Safety department.

·         Provide employees with appropriate personal protective equipment.

·         Provide employees who are adequately trained in the appropriate health and safety aspects of the job.

·         Provide documentation of policies, employee training, and/or inspections upon request of the Albright Department of Public Safety and/or Environmental Health and safety.

·         Appoint a person to be specifically responsible for project safety while on campus.

·         Advise personnel of all hazards associated with the task to be performed and implement appropriate controls to minimize the hazard.

·         Report the following incidents to Albright Department of Public Safety:

o    Serious injury

o    Fire

o    Visit by a representative of a State or Federal safety or environment-related public agency (OSHA, DOT, EPA).

o    Any event that has a potential to draw media attention

Albright Responsibilities

·         Provide all contractors with a copy of this policy

·         Incorporate policy compliance into contractor contracts

·         Albright personnel may periodically observe and/or inspect the work area. Any discrepancy observed will be reported to the contractor. If an imminent danger arises, work will be suspended immediately.

This does not in any way relieve the contractor of its responsibilities for project safety.

Policy Violation

Any violation of this manual or recognized safety standards may result in a verbal warning from the College or removal from campus based upon the seriousness of the violation.

Certain offenses are such that the first action will be immediate removal of the offender from the project and banning of offender from future work. These include, but are not limited to:

·         Possession of open alcoholic beverages and drugs on campus

·         Possession of firearms, ammunition, or unauthorized explosives

·         Threats, inappropriate or offensive language to Albright Students, employees, or guests

The contractor or vendor found to be in violation will be required to correct the violation immediately. Failure to correct the violation to the satisfaction of Albright College could result in contract termination, removal of an individual or contractor from property, or cancellation of contract.

Contractor/VEndor Identification

All contractors and vendors, their employees, and subcontractors are required to check-in at public safety and obtain a visitor’s badge. This badge is to be worn at all times while on campus. Contractors, vendors and subcontractors requiring keys will need to present a company photo ID to:

Albright Public Safety Office

1311 College Avenue

Reading, PA 19604

Contractors and vendors will be issued the appropriate keys for the location they are working.

If a contractor or vendor cannot provide a company photo ID, they must present a state ID to verify information. If they cannot provide a company photo ID or state ID, the contractor will require an escort from a Public Safety Officer and/or a member of the Facilities Department.

All contractor and vendor vehicles must display a temporary contractor parking tag. Public Safety will issue the temporary tag. Contractors and vendors need to return the parking tag at the time they return their visitor ID badge.

Contractor and vendor access

Background Checks – Albright College requires that all vendors, contractors, their employees,  subcontractors, agents, and anyone working for them or on their behalf working on our campus, have the following background checks completed through their respective companies at the contractor’s expense:

·         Pennsylvania State Police History Certification

·         Child Abuse Certification for the PA Department of Human Services

·         FBI Criminal History Certification

The contractor and vendor shall review the results of the reports and exclude from working at Albright any employee, agent, subcontractor, or anyone working for them or on their behalf who is disqualified from having direct contact with minors or having routine interaction with children.

Except as provided above, the existence of a criminal conviction does not automatically disqualify an individual from working on our campus. Relevant considerations may include but are not limited to: age at the time of the offense; nature and seriousness of the offense; amount of time that has elapsed since the offense. The Director of Public Safety will be notified if a contractor, vendor or subcontractor is found to have an employee who is disqualified from working around minor children or a criminal conviction record pertaining to crimes against a person. The Director of Public Safety will review the records and make a determination based on prior conviction(s) or offense(s) whether the contractor or vendor is permitted to conduct business on Albright College property.   It is our expectation that our contractors and vendors closely evaluate their employees and monitor the employees assigned to work on Albright College projects.

The contractor, vendor or subcontractor agrees that it will provide the documentation of the background checks to the College for inspection as part of the contract.

Building Key Access – Contractors or vendors requiring keys must show a company photo ID and verify the building location where the work is to be performed. If they do not have a company photo ID, they must present a state photo ID. The contractor or vendor will be issued a visitor’s badge, which must be worn at all times. The contractors or vendors name, company and key information, visitor badge number, phone number, and location of work site will be recorded in the electronic key log database. The visitor badge will be returned at the time the keys are returned to the Public Safety Office. Contractors or vendors are prohibited to redistribute assigned keys to anyone.

Residential Building Access – The College may, at its discretion, require that contractors and vendors working in a residential building, must be escorted by a Public Safety Officer or other Albright staff at all times. The contractor or vendor must coordinate with the Facilities Department in advance to ensure proper Public Safety coverage. If proper coverage is not scheduled, but is required, the department responsible for scheduling the work will be responsible for escorting the contractor into a residential area. If no coverage is available, the contractor or vendor will be refused access and Albright will not be responsible for any costs associated with the unscheduled visit.

If a contractor or vendor fails to return keys or ID card badges at the end of the day, the contractor or vendor will be contacted and required to return the keys immediately. Albright College will not be responsible for any costs associated with returning the keys or ID card badge.

Contractors and vendors are required to maintain and keep current an accurate list of the names of individuals assigned or engaged by the contractor or vendor to perform work on campus and to promptly provide the list to the College upon request.  The College may, from time to time, audit compliance with this and other College policies.

A list of bonded and non-bonded contractors and vendors will be retained and updated by the Facilities Department. The Public Safety Department will have access to this list in order to properly enforce the residential building access procedures.

Lost or unreturned keys will be subject to a fee to replace locks, cost of cutting new keys, and cost to reprint new ID badges.   Access for ID Cards will be disabled via One Card immediately if an ID card is not returned at the end of the day.

·         Fee to replace locks/key cores- Cost will be determined by Facilities after assessing how many locks and key cores need to be replaced for the building

·         Fee to cut keys- $25.00 per key

·         Fee to print new ID access card- $20.00

See Appendix A– Tiered Level of Access for Residential Life, Academic Buildings, and other campus locations


·         Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are not permitted on campus.

·         Possession of firearms, ammunition or explosives are prohibited, except properly stored and used powder actuated tools.

·         Threats, inappropriate or offensive language to Albright students, employees or guests is not permitted.

·         All employees are expected to wear long pants and shirts while on campus; offensive clothing is prohibited.

·         Gambling is not permitted on campus.

·         Smoking is prohibited inside campus buildings and on campus grounds, except in designated smoking areas outside of buildings (25 feet from entrance to campus buildings).

·         Building doors must not be propped, wedged, or secured open.


·         Use of Albright restrooms facilities is permitted. If repeated use requires additional cleaning, Albright reserves the right to charge the contractor for cleaning or require the contractor to provide their own restroom facilities at the contractor’s expense.


·         Contractors or vendors are not permitted to use any Albright equipment, tools or supplies.

·         Dumpsters on-campus are for the use of Albright employees. No contractor or vendor debris shall be disposed of in Albright dumpsters without prior approval of the Albright personnel coordinating the contractors work.


The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. THE COLLEGE REQUESTS THE COOPERATION OF ALL VENDORS AND CONTRACTORS IN REPORTING CRIMES THAT THEY BECOME AWARE OF WHILE ON OR NEAR CAMPUS SO THAT THE COLLEGE CAN COMPLY WITH THE MANDATES OF THIS LAW. “If you see something, say something.”  Annual Report – The College is required publish an annual report   every year by October 1st that contains 3-years’ worth of campus crime statistics and certain security policy statements including sexual assault policies which assure basic victims’ rights, the law enforcement authority of campus public safety, and where students should go to report crimes. The report is to be made available automatically to all current students and employees while prospective students and employees are to be notified of its existence and afforded an opportunity to request a copy.  Crime Statistics – The College must disclose crime statistics for the campus, unobstructed public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and certain non-campus facilities including Greek housing and remote classrooms. The statistics must be gathered from campus police or security, local law enforcement, and other school officials who have “significant responsibility for student and campus activities” such as student judicial affairs directors. Professional mental health and religious counselors are exempt from reporting obligations, but may refer patients to a confidential reporting system.   Access to Timely Information – The College is also required to provide timely warnings and a separate more extensive public crime log. It is these requirements which are most likely to affect the day-to-day lives of students, faculty, and staff. The timely warning requirement is somewhat subjective and is only triggered when a crime is considered to pose an ongoing “threat to students and employees,” while the log records all incidents reported to Public Safety.   The Department of Public Safety responds to all reports of crimes and/or emergencies that occur on-campus or within a campus controlled, owned, operated, and/or recognized facility, building, residence hall, or area.

Incidents occurring on-campus, within residence halls or non-campus buildings, or on recognized private property adjacent to or contiguous to College owned, controlled, operated, or recognized facilities, buildings, or areas are documented and processed for further

investigation by College officials and/or the local Reading or Muhlenberg Police depending upon the nature of the crime or emergency and the involvement of the local police.

Albright College and its Department of Public Safety strongly encourage all contractors and vendors to report emergencies or criminal incidents accurately and promptly to the Albright College Department of Public Safety (610-921-7670).

Link to Annual Security Report:

Annual Security Report

Expected Standards of Conduct /Title IX Compliance 

All members of the Albright College Community and their guests, including contractors and vendors, have the right to work and study in an environment free of discrimination, including freedom from sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and other sexually inappropriate behavior. Albright College strives to foster responsible behavior in a working and academic environment free from discrimination and harassment. Thus, Albright College strongly disapproves of and forbids the sexual harassment of employees, students, or guests, and will not tolerate sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and other sexually inappropriate behavior.

Sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and other sexually inappropriate behavior can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such an individual, or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Albright College will not tolerate harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, marital/familial status, possession of a General Education Development Certificate (GED) as compared to a high school diploma, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex, age, genetic information or any trait or characteristic protected by any applicable federal, state, or local law or ordinance. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Albright College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all of its educational programs and activities. Harassment or discrimination on the basis of any protected trait or characteristic is contrary to the values of Albright College.  Any contractor who has been found to engage in such behavior will be asked to leave campus immediately.

If vendors or contractors have direct information regarding or are witness to any form of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and/or inappropriate sexual behavior involving students, employees, or visitors to campus, they should contact Department of Public Safety at 610-921-7670.  Public Safety can assist in determining next steps including contact with the Reading or Muhlenberg Police and referral to appropriate College departments.

Individuals can also directly contact, Title IX Coordinator, Amanda Hanincik, with questions or concerns at 610-921-7663, or by email at ahanincik@albright.edu


If the contractor or vendor suspects, has direct information about, or witnesses child sexual abuse or assault or other crime on Albright College’s campus, they are required to report this information to the Department of Public Safety and the Reading or Muhlenberg Police Department.   In addition to notifying the Reading and/or Muhlenberg Police and making any direct reports to authorities required by law (including any reports of suspected child abuse to the Child Line (1-800-932-0313), the Contractor must also immediately notify the Department of Public Safety so that the College can take steps to address the situation and to ensure accurate reporting in accordance with state and federal guidelines. To report a crime or emergency, the contractor or vendor should call: The Department of Public Safety by dialing 610-921-7670 or on campus extension 7670. Crimes can also be reported in person to the Department of Public Safety at the Public Safety office located at 1311 College Avenue, Reading, PA 19604.

Crimes or emergency situations can be reported to the Reading Police, Muhlenberg Police, or local emergency services by dialing 911. The Department of Public Safety has been designated by Albright College as the official office for campus crime reporting.


No sprinkler or fire alarm system shall be shut off or otherwise compromised without prior approval of the Albright College Environmental Health and Safety Officer (Phone: 610-929-6616  kwierzbicki@albright.edu). A Fire Watch shall be performed during the period in which the system is impaired or compromised. Environmental Health and Safety can provide guidance and assistance.

All Hot Work operations (soldering, welding, brazing, cutting) shall be approved by Environmental Health and Safety prior to starting Hot Work. A Fire Watch shall be performed during the Hot Work period. Environmental Health and Safety can provide guidance and assistance.

Please give at least 24 hours advance notice to Environmental Health and Safety for expected or scheduled sprinkler, fire alarm system, or Hot Work operations. Environmental Health and

Safety shall be contacted regarding any emergency work so that notifications to Albright’s insurance company and the Reading Fire Marshal can be made.


All contractor’s or vendor’s vehicles must display a temporary parking tag and park in designated areas. A temporary parking tag will be provided by the Public Safety Office at the time of contractor or vendor check-in.

Parking on the grass, sidewalks, blocking building entrances, by fire hydrants or on fire lanes is strictly prohibited. Contractors requiring vehicle access across grass or sidewalks to their work area or who need to temporarily block a building entrance should make prior arrangements with the department that is scheduling the work on campus. Illegally parked vehicles will be ticketed at the expense of the owner or contractor.


The contractor is responsible for preventing the accumulation of trash and debris throughout the day and must ensure the work area is clean at the end of the day. All trash and debris must be properly disposed of according to US EPA and PADEP regulations.

Upon completion of the project the contractor must leave a dust-free usable space on the completion of its task. All outdoor areas shall be completely free of any debris. This includes mulched areas as well as turf and hardscape.




Appendix A- Tiered level of contractor building access & procedures




(Note:  electronic copies of the former versions of the policy must be maintained within the unit, department, or division)




IMPLEMENTATION PLAN – For decision-making purposes only.  This will not appear in the Final Policy that is posted to the Policy Repository.


·         Cabinet approval by April 1, 2020

·         Memos sent out to all contractors and vendors in fall of 2019 regarding new policy and expectations

·         Implementation of new policy by May 1, 2020


DECISION – For decision-making purposes only.  This will not appear in the Final Policy that is posted to the Policy Repository.

Date of Draft Policy Review  
Name of Reviewing Committee/Individual  
Date Approved   Comments:
Date Rejected   Comments:
Date Draft Tabled or Further Review Needed (provide comments including plan for re-submission)   Comments: