effective 5/2018
The Albright College Athletics Department created a drug education and testing program out of concern for the health, safety and welfare of student-athletes who participate in its programs and represent the College in competitive athletics. Drug testing is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the College’s student-athletes, to promote fair competition in intercollegiate athletics, to affirm compliance with NCAA rules, and to avoid physiological dependence on an illegal substance. Further, the Albright College Athletics Department recognizes its responsibility to provide educational programming to inform student-athletes of the dangers inherent in the misuse of illegal drugs. Programming is embedded to explain local, state and federal laws concerning the use and possession of drugs and to reinforce alternative activities while supporting a drug-free lifestyle for student-athletes. The Albright College Athletics Department believes a program that embraces education and screening will facilitate positive decision-making by the College’s student-athletes.
- To educate student-athletes and coaches concerning the problems associated with the use of drugs.
- To discourage illicit drug use by Albright College student-athletes.
- To encourage an atmosphere of open discussion in reference to any questions student-athletes may have with regard to use and abuse of illegal drugs.
- To promote informed, intelligent decision-making on the part of the College’s student-athletes with regard to the use of illegal drugs.
Conditions of Eligibility
All varsity student-athletes of Albright College must sign an NCAA form annually in which they consent to drug testing during NCAA postseason championships for the use of drugs prohibited by the NCAA. In addition, all Albright College varsity student-athletes must sign a College consent form to allow for drug screening and limited release of screening results. Procedures and eligibility are designated and set forth by the Albright College Athletics Department.
Prohibited Drugs/Banned Substances
During the time when a student-athlete is a member of or affiliated with an Albright College intercollegiate athletics team, he/she may not use the drugs/banned substances specified by the NCAA (see Appendix A). Any use of the banned substances is expressly prohibited, whether such use occurs before, during or after the student-athlete’s competitive season. Any student-athlete who has a medical condition for which the use of a prescribed drug containing a banned substance is authorized must submit a statement of authorization by the prescribing health-care provider to the Head Athletic Trainer of Albright College prior to testing. Banned substances for which Albright College tests may be of the same or different content than those of the NCAA. Note that the drug panel used for testing at Albright College includes but is not limited to the following: amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, THC, benzodiazepines and barbiturates.
Dietary Supplements
The Albright College Athletics Department will neither distribute nor encourage the use of any dietary supplements or ergogenic aids that have not been cleared by the Dietary Supplement Resource Exchange Center. This list can be found at www.drugfreesport.com. Many dietary supplements or ergogenic aids contain banned substances. Often, the labeling of dietary supplements is not accurate and/or is misleading. Using unregulated dietary supplements may cause a positive drug test. Any student-athlete who has intentions of taking or is currently taking dietary supplements is encouraged to review the product with the Athletics training staff.
Educational Programming
The Head Athletic Trainer, or a representative, will meet with each team prior to the start of its season to review the Drug Testing and Education Program and to answer any questions or concerns of the student-athletes. Yearly, a drug and alcohol speaker is provided to the student-athletes by the Athletics Department. Student-athletes are also urged to attend all programs offered by Albright College on drug use and abuse. Student-athletes are educated on an individual team basis by the Athletic Training Staff on dietary supplements and ergogenic aids, and as requested by individual team head coaches. This education is limited to those supplements that are of interest to the athletes of each team.
Responsibility of the Student Athlete
It is the responsibility of each student-athlete to read the Albright College Athletics Department’s Drug Testing Policy prior to participation in athletics. If the student-athlete tests positive under the guidelines set forth in the Athletic Department’s Drug Testing and Education Program, it will be the student-athlete’s responsibility to pay for any services which are involved in the ensuing sanctions.
Selection and Notification Process
All student-athletes will be subject to periodic, unannounced, random testing. The selection of individuals to be tested will be made through a random drawing of names from the team roster by the Head Athletic Trainer or designee. Student-athlete notification of selection shall come from the Head Athletic Trainer or designee. This notification procedure shall occur immediately prior to the scheduled testing. Such notification shall be delivered to the student-athlete verbally, and the student-athlete will be presented with the Drug Testing Custody and Request Form (see Appendix B) to complete prior to testing. The student-athlete is required to complete, sign and submit the documentation to the Head Athletic Trainer or designee prior to testing. The student-athlete must remain with the tester until producing a sample.
Reasonable Suspicion Testing
A student-athlete may be subject to testing at any time when the Directors of Athletics and the Head Athletic Trainer determine that there is individualized, reasonable suspicion to believe the participant is using a prohibited substance. Causes for reasonable suspicion may include, without limitation, the student-athlete having been:
- Observed possessing or using substances or related paraphernalia or equipment that appears to be a prohibited substance by an Athletics Department staff member.
- Arrested or convicted of a criminal offense related to the possession or transfer of prohibited drugs or substances.
- Observed by an Athletics Department staff member to have an abnormal change in appearance, conduct or behavior that is reasonably interpretable as being caused by the use of prohibited drugs or substances. Among the indicators that may be used in the evaluation of the student-athlete’s abnormal change in appearance, conduct or performance are class attendance, academic performance, significant GPA changes, athletic practice attendance, increased injury rate or illness, physical appearance changes, academic/athletic motivational level, emotional condition, mood changes and legal involvement.
Testing Procedures
As part of the drug-testing procedure, any student-athlete on the current year roster (in or out of season) may be asked to submit a urine sample to detect illegal drugs, non-prescribed drugs, narcotics, steroids and/or banned nutritional supplements at such times and places as directed by the Athletics Department. The selection for testing will be based on random selection or reasonable suspicion as outlined in the Selection and Notification Process section and Reasonable Suspicion Testing section of this document.
Collection Procedures
Immediately after the student-athlete signs the Drug Testing Custody and Request form, an Athletic Training staff member will accompany selected student-athletes to the Gable Health Center for formal drug testing.
Because the student-athlete willingly took part in the drug-testing process, student-athletes who receive a positive test will not be subject to institutional sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct as a result of drug-tests under this policy.
First positive test result
The Head Athletic Trainer will notify the Directors of Athletics upon a positive test. At that time the student-athlete will meet with the Directors of Athletics and the Head Athletic Trainer. The Directors of Athletics will notify the student-athlete’s head coach.
- The student-athlete will receive a two-week suspension from participation in team activities. This suspension will be served in the non-traditional or traditional season, whichever is scheduled first for the specific sport.
- The student-athlete will receive a suspension from 10% of traditional season contests. The contests to be missed are the next available.
- The student-athlete will be required to complete five hours of internal College community service.
- In the case of marijuana use, the student-athlete must follow-up with the online Marijuana e-CHECKUP program. Results will be printed, and the student-athlete will discuss those results with the Gable Health and Counseling Center.
- The student-athlete will be required to take part in Albright’s educational programming related to the harmful effects of drug use.
Second positive test result
The Head Athletic Trainer will notify the Directors of Athletics upon a positive test. At that time the student-athlete will meet with the Directors of Athletics and the Head Athletic Trainer. The Directors of Athletics will notify the student-athlete’s head coach.
- The student-athlete will receive a 60-day suspension from team activities.
- The student-athlete will receive a suspension from 50% of traditional season contests. The contests to be missed are the next available.
- The student-athlete will undergo drug counseling thru Albright’s standard counseling program.
- The student-athlete will complete 20 hours of internal College community service.
- In the case of marijuana use, the student-athlete must follow-up with the online Marijuana e-CHECKUP program. Results will be printed, and the student-athlete will discuss those results with the Assistant Dean of Students.
- The student-athlete will be placed on disciplinary probation (1-2 semesters).
Third positive test result
The student athlete will no longer be permitted to participate in Albright College Athletics.
Appeal Process
A student-athlete who tests positive under the terms of the Drug Testing Policy will meet with the Directors of Athletics or their designee and the Head Athletic Trainer prior to imposition of any sanction. These proceedings shall include an opportunity for the student-athlete to review the results of the drug test. The proceedings shall be confidential. The findings regarding the positive test by the Directors of Athletics or their designee will be final. A student-athlete who believes he/she has received a false positive screen may appeal the positive finding. He/she must notify the Directors of Athletics or Head Athletic Trainer immediately of the decision to appeal and the desire to be re-tested. Repeat testing will be conducted on the student-athlete’s original sample.
Confidentiality and Records
Each specimen will be identified by the student-athlete’s name and date of birth. The specimen will then be analyzed for the presence of drugs. The identification of each sample taken will be kept confidential by the Athletic Training Staff. Only positive test results will be reported to the Directors of Athletics. All names and results of athletes tested will be kept confidential. The results of the drug screening program will become a part of the student-athlete’s medical record and will be considered confidential. Records and other information shall remain in the confidential possession of the Athletic Training Staff or its designee and may only be released with consent from the student-athlete.
Reviewed 5/2018 RP