Midori E. Hartman Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
Chapel Basement
Ph.D. Historical Studies: Christianity in Late Antiquity (Drew University)
M.A.: Theological Studies (Vancouver School of Theology)
M.A.: Ancient Culture, Religion, and Ethnicity (University of British Columbia)
B.A.: Historic Preservation, Classical Civilization (University of Mary Washington)
Areas of Expertise
- Roman Late Antiquity
- Augustine of Hippo
- Citizenship and Slavery Studies
- Animality Studies
- Classical and Biblical Reception
Areas of Research
- 2020. “Dogs as the Other in St. Augustine’s The City of God: Exploring the Limits of Human Social Relations,” Encountering the Other: Christian and Multifaith Perspectives, eds. Laura Duhan-Kaplan and Harry O. Maier (Eugene: Wipf & Stock).
- 2019 “A Little Porneia Leavens the Whole: Queer[ing] Limits of Community in 1 Cor 5,” Bodies on the Verge, ed. Joseph A. Marchal, Semeia Studies 93 (Atlanta: SBL).
- 2017 “Beginning Again, Becoming Animal: Augustine’s Theology, Animality, and Pain in Genesis,” Studia Patristica 98, ed. M. Vinzent (Leuven and Paris: Peeters).
Courses Taught
- REL 141: Understanding the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
- REL 142: Understanding the New Testament
- REL 154: Introduction to Classical Mythology
- REL 253: History of Christianity to 1600
- LAT 101: Elementary Latin I
- LAT 102: Elementary Latin II