Jennifer Koosed, Ph.D.
Professor of Religious Studies
Diploma in Jewish Studies from Oxford University
M.T.S. from Vanderbilt Divinity School
Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University
Areas of Expertise
- Hebrew Bible and New Testament, especially Persian Period literature
- Gender and sexuality
- Bible and popular culture
- Literary theory
- Judaism and post-Holocaust thought
Areas of Research
- (Per)mutations of Qohelet: Reading the Body in the Book (Continuum, 2006)
- Gleaning Ruth: A Biblical Heroine and Her Afterlives (University of South Carolina, 2011)
- Jesse’s Lineage: The Legendary Lives of Jesus, David, and Jesse James (Continuum, 2013); co-written with Robert Paul Seesengood
- The Bible and Posthumanism (Scholars Press, 2014); an edited volume
Courses Taught
- REL 141 Understanding the Hebrew Bible
- REL 245 Monsters in the Bible
- REL 244 Sex, Gender, Bible
- REL 375 Religious Responses to the Holocaust
- REL 250 Judaism: Religion and Culture