Alumni Association Board Updates – Albright College

Alumni Association Board Updates

Hello Albright College Alumni Nation,

The Alumni Association Board is gearing up to start our 2023-24 year representing each and every Albright Alumni Lion in our pride! While the academic year has just begun, the Alumni Association is hard at work – our Alumni Volunteers recently gave a warm welcome to the new members of our community, the Albright College Class of 2027, who are our newest Alumni in Training. During the Welcome Weekend Carnival our Alumni Association, joined by the Society of Black Alumni (SOBA), gave out mini-Albright Lions, along with some other great Albright swag so our new community members felt right at home knowing that they have more than 17,000 alumni cheering them on as they start their academic journey.

There are so many great events planned for this coming academic year and all of us on the Alumni Association Board encourage you to come on out, bring your family or friends, call your old roommate and ask them to tag along, and stop by campus! We hope to see you at Homecoming between September 22 and 24, at Alumni Weekend, a Domino Players production, an Albright Athletics event, or perhaps a choir concert.

On behalf of the Alumni Association Board, we all wish you a great end of the Summer – see you at Homecoming!

Blake Tobias, Jr., MHCI, MS HA-ODL
Class of 2017 – Albright College, BS Biology
President – Albright College Alumni Association

Albright Alumni Association President Blake Tobias Jr., ’17 welcomes Albright’s class of 2023 to the Alumni Association:

Hello Albright Alumni!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! While your time as an Albright student has come to an end, your life as an Albrightian has just begun. Albright Alumni enjoy events, volunteer opportunities, and benefits that you can take advantage of today.

Plan to attend Homecoming 2023 and celebrate your Zero-Year reunion. Want to see what’s in store? Be sure to check out the photos from Homecoming 2022, and make sure you reach out to your classmates to plan a get together!

Albright College has again been named a Best College for Career Development. Visit the Experiential Learning & Career Development Center today and get help writing or updating your resume, get started on a new career path, find a mentor, and more!

Stay connected with the Alumni Association on social media! Follow us on: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn

Continue the trend you set as the Albright senior class that not only exceeded its giving goal, but set a record for percent participation. You are now a member of the Young Alumni Loyalty Society. Check out more about it on our giving webpage.

Review all the great benefits and services available to Albright Alumni!

Update your contact information so we always know how to share important information and events with you.

Don’t miss your first Alumni Weekend! Mark your calendar for Alumni Weekend 2024, April 19-21, and visit a recap and photo album of Alumni Weekend 2023.

Albright Alumni Association Board Task Force Projects

The Affinity Group Task Force

The task force submitted and approved guidelines to define and organize affinity groups in the future. A priority for the Affinity Group Task Force is to gauge interest in an LGBTQ affinity group. To that end, they will host a mixer during Alumni Weekend, Saturday, April 22 at 1 p.m. in Alumni Hall, Faculty Lounge. Students will be invited to mix and mingle with alumni who participated in Pride+ and Gay/Straight Alliance. The task force will identify need for and interest in an LGBTQ affinity group for alumni.

Awards and Membership Task Force

The Awards and Membership Task Force is actively recruiting members for the board for the upcoming academic year. If you are interested in joining the Alumni Association Board, please submit this questionnaire. 

Student Mentoring Program Task Force

The Student Mentoring Program Task Force is compiling a list of alumni-owned businesses in Berks County to share with the Experiential Learning and Career Development Center as the center plans opportunities for Alpha students to tour the businesses and develop relationships with alumni mentors.

Join the Alumni Association Board!

The Albright Alumni Association Board invites alumni to apply for membership on the board. Please visit the board page on the Albright College website to learn more about serving alma mater as a board member and complete this questionnaire if interested:  Prospective Alumni Association Board Member Questionnaire

Update your Alumni Records

The Albright Alumni Association board would like to stay in touch! If you have moved, updated your employment, or would like to be recognized for your affinity to one or more groups, please submit the form below. Affinity groups will be forming in the near future.

Affinity Group Interests

Career Information

Family Information

Additional Education Information


Albright Alumni Association Board Task Forces

Alumni board members are divided into the following committees to address strategic projects in support of the college’s mission.

  • Alumni Awards and New Members: Review award candidates and select award recipients for the yearly alumni awards. Review current board composition and identify opportunities to better align membership with the demographics of our alumni body, recruit and propose a slate of new members to the Alumni Association Board. Identify and implement ways to continue to solicit for award and new member candidates.
  • Diversity and Inclusivity: Understand ideal state for the Albright Alumni Association Board when it comes to inclusivity and diversity. Identify initiatives the board can undertake to give support to the college’s equity and inclusion policies. Includes review of key objectives, policy and by-law examination and partnership with alumni affinity groups, such as the Society of Black Alumni, the college board of trustees and other stakeholders and task forces.
  • Albright College Affinity Group Program:  Connect self-motivated groups of alumni who wish to engage like-minded graduates and students with shared experiences or interests. The committee strives to encourage service, engagement and philanthropy with volunteers to further the mission of the Alumni Association Board and engage in the life of alma mater.
  • Student Mentoring: In collaboration with campus partners, establish channels to connect our alumni with undergraduates by supporting student career and professional aspirations.



Fall 2022 Alumni Demographics