School of Business and
Professional Studies

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Empowering Ingenuity and Leadership

Created to unify all of our growing business programs along with programs of government, public service and health, the Albright College School of Business and Professional Studies is home to our undergraduate, graduate and market-responsive certification programs centered on skills for professional life and leadership, innovation, engagement and helping students make their positive impact in the world.

It is a hub for students working toward traditional four-year bachelor’s degrees, online master’s degrees and market-responsive professional certificates to fuel success throughout their lifetime.


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of Albright students study business

Undergraduate Business Degrees

Albright’s undergraduate business program empowers students with deep knowledge and experiential learning to reach future goals in the global digital marketplace. Students may prepare for the high demand career paths available in accounting and finance through the full or combined accounting major or the interdisciplinary degree in accounting, economics and finance which uniquely positions students to pursue any combination of these fields. Degrees in business and accounting are available in a traditional, face to face format or students may choose to complete these degrees online.

Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business administration customize their education by choosing a track to focus on an area of interest. These include economics, entertainment industry, finance, international business, management, marketing and sport management. The college also offers a cross major in accounting, economics and finance with tracks that focus on accounting or financial analysis.

Nearly half of all Albrightians opt to personalize their degrees by combining majors to build their knowledge and skills to prepare for the future they envision. Business students often choose to enhance their academics with another discipline, such as foreign language, music industry studies, computer science or fashion design.

“College should set you up for all the things you don’t know you are going to do in life. My entire career is based on managing change and innovation.”- Paul Sinclair ’97, GM and Executive VP of Atlantic Records

Civic Leadership, Government, Public Service and Health

Leading doesn’t only happen in a business organization. Leadership is a vital element of civic life and Albright prepares students for meaningful careers in public service through the majors of political science, public policy and public health. Many students decide the right path for them is to combine these fields with another area of study. Your advisor will meet with you to help you identify your path.

Master’s Degrees in Business

The school expands Albright’s online business offerings to enable busy adults and graduate students to earn degrees and professional certifications in ways that fit their lives. As they complete courses, students also build a network of valuable peer and business contacts to help boost their development and opportunities.

These fully online programs include bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business administration, and a master’s degree in business.

Graduate students in the master’s program gain expertise and apply management skills through two concentration areas, which include accounting, data analytics, digital marketing, healthcare administration and inclusive and ethical leadership.

In addition, Albright offers a Master of Science in Athletic Leadership. This ten course master’s degree prepares students for careers in the field of athletics including coaches, athletic directors, scouts, agents and sport business managers or owners. Students may add the graduate certificate in athletic coaching or health and wellness coaching to any bachelor’s degree and can choose to participate in internships.

Successful business owner Josue Matos didn’t just use his Albright business degree to get a job after graduation, he turned his capstone project into a career. “I knew if I could put together a strong business plan, I could find some investors to back the project.” > Read his story

Professional Certifications

Enhance your career or explore a new future by earning a professional certificate. Options include accountingdata analyticsdigital marketing and healthcare administration. We also offer our ADVANCE pre-medical program, which enables students who have earned a bachelor’s degree to complete required coursework to enter medical school

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