Sample Syllabus Statements
Albright College Faculty Resources – Sample Syllabus Statements
Faculty are strongly encouraged to include all statements in their syllabi, so that students know where to turn for support. In addition, faculty should follow the Faculty Handbook requirements outlined below in constructing their syllabi.
XII.D. Syllabi. During the first class of every course, the faculty member will distribute or post a syllabus which must include: name, time and location of course; instructor contact information and office hours; course description; learning objectives; readings and other course materials; number and type of assignments; course schedule; and methods of evaluating student performance, including point distribution. Statements regarding College policies on academic dishonesty, learning disability accommodations, and instructor expectations for student conduct are strongly encouraged. As the course progresses, the instructor may distribute or post a modified syllabus to achieve the course goals as necessary.
Syllabi should also describe an attendance policy and any potential impact on course grading. For courses meeting three hours per week, a statement on the fourth hour of quality is also required (see other links in Faculty Resources regarding these two policies).
Templates of sample syllabi statements on these issues and related polices are below.
Student Success Syllabus Statements
- Subject Area Tutoring: Course-specific peer tutoring is available for many general education classes at the 100-200 level including small-group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI). You can schedule an in-person or online session with a peer tutor by selecting the ‘Subject Area Tutoring Schedule’ at and limiting the schedule by course. Subject area tutoring takes place in the Peer Tutoring Studio located in the outdoor tunnel near Jake’s Place and can be reached at
- Writing Center: Writing center peer tutors will work with you at any stage of the writing process for any course and personal/creative writing. The writing center can also help you prepare for class presentations, work on resumes and cover letters, and practice strategies for college-level reading. The center is located in the tunnel outside of Jake’s Place and can be reached at or (610) 921-7540 with in-person and online appointments available at
- Success Coaching: The SSC also offers one-on-one academic coaching on study skills, time management, note-taking, and learning strategies. All student have a success coach. You can find out who your success coach is in Lions’ Edge. To schedule a meeting with your success coach email them directly or contact the SSC by phone at 610-921-7662 or email The SSC main office is in Teel Hall 309A.
Student Accessibility and Advocacy Syllabus Statement
The Student Accessibility and Advocacy Office (SAA) is the source for impairment-related accommodations related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its Amendments (ADAAA). Students who receive accommodations from the SAA office should meet with course instructors privately and in a timely manner to discuss the Academic Accommodation Letter (AAL) provided by that office. Please note that IEPs and 504 plans do not apply to college level courses. The Student Accessibility and Advocacy office at or 610-921-7503 (located in the Campus Center Conference Room).
Americans with Disabilities Acts and Amendments (ADAAA) Syllabus Statement on Services for Students in the residential college program
Consistent with the ADAAA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Albright College welcomes students with disabilities into the college’s educational programs. If you need impairment-related academic adjustments in this course, please contact Sherry Young, Director of Student Accessibility and Advocacy, by email at, by phone at 610-921-7503, or in her office, in the Campus Center Conference Room. Students who use accommodations should meet with course instructors privately and in a timely manner to discuss their Academic Accommodation Letter (AAL). Please note that IEPs and 504 plans do not apply to college-level courses.
Americans with Disabilities Acts and Amendments (ADAAA) Syllabus Statement for Students in online programs
Consistent with the ADAAA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Albright College welcomes students with disabilities into the college’s educational programs. If you need impairment-related academic adjustments in this course, please contact Sherry Young, Director of Student Accessibility and Advocacy, by email at, by phone at 610-921-7503, or in her office, in the Campus Center Conference Rooms. Students who use accommodations should meet with course instructors privately and in a timely manner to discuss their Academic Accommodation Letter (AAL). Keep in mind that timeframes of SPS classes are delivered in an accelerated fashion. Please note that IEPs and 504 plans do not apply to college-level courses.
Library Services Sample Syllabus Statement
Gingrich Library provides resources to assist Albright students with their class projects and research needs. Reference librarians are available in the Center for Computing and Mathematics (CCM) to answer questions and help students use resources and find appropriate and credible materials. Library materials include online articles, journals, and databases, as well as books and e-books. All students have complete 24/7 access to online library resources from on-campus, in residence halls, or off-campus. Students are encouraged to contact a librarian at any stage of the research process, and 24/7 help is also available from any library page. The portal to the library is located at
Experiential Learning and Career Development Center (ELCDC)
The ELCDC offers a range of resources and programming to enhance your academics. Our platform, Handshake, provides a wealth of information and resources as well as a platform for job searching and an easy way to make an appointment with us. We offer events such as career and grad school fairs, workshops, and one-on-one career coaching. Students can explore different majors or even take a free “career test” through Focus2 Career (create an account using your Albright email and the access code: lions). The ELCDC also guides students through the internship process and helps them find and prepare for full time positions after graduation. Mock interviews, networking, and study abroad – we can help you with it all. We even house a career closet where students can select outfits for free to help build a professional wardrobe. Located next to the Gable Health Center and across from the Quad, students are welcome to stop by, make an appointment on Handshake, call us at 610-921-7630, or email us
Mental Health Matters Statement
The Gable Health and Counseling Center offers students the opportunity to meet with licensed therapists for a limited number of sessions at no charge. Students are encouraged to make appointments to receive confidential care for small and large issues. If you, or anyone close to you on campus, are suffering from any mental health issues, you are encouraged to reach out and use the services on campus to get the care you need. The office is open from Monday through Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm and appointments are scheduled from 10-6 M-TH and 9-5 on Fridays. Students can set up a meeting with a therapist on campus by walking to the Gable Health Center located on campus at 1829 Linden Street or by calling the Gable Health Center at 610-921-7532.
Grading Policy Sample Syllabus Statement
Grades are often posted in more than one location: on Self Service, on Canvas, by code on a class’s own website, etc. Please note that grades posted on Self Service are from the College’s information system and therefore are considered the student’s official grades. Students are responsible for knowing their grades and academic status and inquiring to professors about any discrepancies.
Course Unit System and Fourth Hour Sample Syllabus Statement
Albright College uses a course unit system to support a greater depth of learning for students. Each course unit is the equivalent of four credits, compared to the usual three credit course at schools using the credit system. Classes that meet only three hours per week also require one extra hour per week of learning over the 15-week term, totaling 15 hours of work outside the classroom. These 15 hours are above and beyond the usual course readings, homework, and examinations. These learning activities must result in something the faculty member can evaluate (paper, presentation, journal, reflection paper, problem set, etc.). For this course, the fourth hour requirement is met by _______________. Albright’s rigorous academic program expects approximately two to three hours of work outside class for each instructional hour of class.
Classroom Recording Policy Sample Syllabus Statement
The audio or visual recording of class lectures, discussions, simulations, and other course-related activity by either students or instructors is governed by the College’s class recording policy, available in the Catalog. Albright’s policy on class recording balances the needs of students who are differently abled, the intellectual property concerns of its instructors, and the privacy of its students. Any audio or visual recording made by a student during a class, regardless of the recording device, requires the instructor’s written consent prior to the class and the student’s signed agreement with the terms of the College’s policy. Prior to a student recording of any class activity, the student and the instructor must sign a recording agreement and file it with the Office of Student Accessibility and Advocacy (if the recording is an approved disability accommodation). Violations of this Class Recording Policy may be directed through academic dishonesty procedures or the Office of Community Standards and could involve civil or criminal violations.
Attendance in Online Asychronous Courses (for online and graduate syllabi only)
Success in this course is dependent on your active participation and engagement throughout the course. As such, students are required to complete all assignments by the due date, and to actively participate in class discussions. Students will not be marked present for the course in a calendar week if they have not posted to a discussion forum, submitted an assignment or completed an assessment in that calendar week.
Additionally, students are expected to:
Log on at least three times a week – on different days in order to complete weekly assignments, assessments, discussions and/or other weekly deliverables as directed by the instructor and outlined in the syllabus; Participate in the weekly threaded discussions, this means that, in addition to posting a response to the thread topic presented, students are expected to respond to each other and comment and questions from the instructor and/or other students; This depends on the format of the discussions and instructor expectations for student participation.
If you find that you cannot meet the class’ minimum discussion and assignment requirements due to a personal circumstance, please contact your instructor as soon as possible.
Additional policies and best practices to include:
Academic Integrity Policy
Full policy is available here: Academic Integrity Policy
Attendance and Extended Absences:
The Attendance policy is here: Attendance Policy
The Extended Absence policy is here: Extended Absence and Academic Attendance Adjustment Policy
Sample Diversity and Inclusion Syllabus Statements
Matt Fotis – Inclusivity Statement (with physical and mental ability added by Beth Kiester)
Every student in this class, regardless of background, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, class, political affiliation, physical or mental ability or any identity category, is a valued and equal member of the group. We all bring different experiences to this class and no one experience has more value or import than another. In fact, it is our different experiences that will enrich the course content. I encourage every student to share their own experiences as they are relevant to the course, but I also stress that no student is ever presumed to speak for anything or anyone more than their own experience or point of view. Furthermore, in this classroom, you have the right to determine your own identity. You have the right to be called by whatever name you wish, and for that name to be pronounced correctly. You have the right to be referred to by whatever pronoun you identify. You have the right to adjust those things at any point. If there are aspects of the instruction of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or a sense of alienation from the course content, please contact me privately without fear of reprisal. If you feel uncomfortable contacting me, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students.
Ian Rhile – Inclusivity Statement
Inclusion is “the act of creating an environment in which any individual or group will be welcomed, respected, supported and valued as a fully participating member. An inclusive and welcoming climate embraces and respects differences” (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Glossary. University of Washington College of the Environment. Accessed 11 January 2023.) The following points are some of the ways I try to create this environment. (Creating this environment is ongoing and evolving!)
Course Design and Practice
- Having an awareness of how my practices and policies may leave students behind and working to include those students. In addition, considering how exceptions to course policies affect every student.
- Creating course structure during and outside of class. This includes providing resources and assignments that promote your success; having clear expectations for your work and feedback; and providing structure to classes.
- Providing active learning opportunities during class.
- Providing practice that mimics examination questions.
- Designing a course around explicit learning objectives.
- Using a fair grading scheme.
- Providing accessible course materials.
Creating a Welcoming Environment
- Learning about you as a person, including learning the name you use, spelling and pronouncing it correctly, and using your pronouns. In addition, telling you about myself.
- Considering students as developing learners who need practice rather than having fixed, innate abilities.
- Providing time for you to think in class to not rush you.
- Facilitating discussions with your peers in groups.
- Providing opportunities for everyone in class to participate.
- Responding to microaggressions.
- Using a warm tone.
- Providing opportunities for you to reflect on your course performance.
- Asking for and using your feedback.
- Accommodating your religious needs.