How do I include Hoonuit resources into my course? – Albright College

How do I add Hoonuit resources to my course?

Full Instructional PDF

Hoonuit is an online service providing a variety of training resources that can be linked directly into your Moodle course for students to complete. The hyperlink to a Hoonuit resource cannot simply be pasted into your Moodle course. The link will not work for students. The resource must be properly added to the course as these steps direct.

Note: As an alternative, you can direct students to login to Hoonuit from the Current Student page on the Albright website and tell them which video series to complete.

From the Gear icon in the upper right of your course page, choose Turn editing on.

Go to the section where you want to add the link. Click on Add an activity or resource.

Click External tool. Click Add.

Fill in a name for the resource. This name will be the link that appears on your course page. It’s recommended that you add a description so students know how long it may take them (add up the video time) and exactly what they will be doing with this activity (i.e. watching videos, completing an assessment, printing a certificate of completion). Under Prefigured took, choose Hoonuit. Click Save and display. This will take you to Hoonuit.

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Search or browse to find the content you want. To the right of your selected content, click + Content.

Topics included in the video are listed on the right. Check mark any resources you want to include in your Moodle course and remove the check mark from those you don’t want to include. You can preview them by clicking the title and watching the material first. Click Submit when have completed your choices. Click Back to Course to return to Moodle.

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Repeat these steps for adding additional resources to Moodle.  Students will not have to login to Hoonuit separately, as the resources are now embedded into the Moodle course.

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