Gradebook Troubleshooting – Albright College

Gradebook Troubleshooting

Full Instructional PDF

Errors in the moodle gradebook are commonly caused by several issues. If you see a discrepancy in the Course total for students, checking these areas may reveal the problem. To fix these problems, first Turn editing on from the Gear icon in your course.


  1. Is attendance being counted in the grade?

When attendance is created, by default it’s worth 100 points. If you don’t intend that, it will appear to skew the grades.

To fix:  Click Edit beside Attendance and choose Edit settings.

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Under Grade, for Type, choose None. At the bottom of the page, click Save and return to course.


  1. Are the points associated with each graded item correct?

For example:  A paper was supposed to be 150 points, but it’s showing in the gradebook as 100.

To fix: Go to wherever the assignment was created to edit it. If it was created on the course page, click Edit beside the assignment to change the points. If it was created manually in Gradebook setup, click Edit beside it on that screen.

Gradebook image 2

Choose Edit settings. Under Grade, change the maximum grade to the correct number.


  1. Are all graded items placed in the correct categories?

For example: One exam was mistakenly not placed in the exam category but instead appears at the bottom of the Gradebook setup page.

To fix: Go to Gradebook setup. Click the directional arrow beside the item. Click the box for the position where it should appear. The category where you’ve placed it will now include that graded item.

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  1. Are all the category totals correct?

For example: Papers are supposed to total 45% of the course grade, but Gradebook setup is showing only 40%.

To fix: In Gradebook setup, click Edit beside the category name (not the total). Choose Edit settings. Under Category total, change the Maximum grade to the correct percentage. Click Save changes.

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  1. Is the correct aggregation method chosen?

An aggregation method can be set for the overall course grade as well as each category. Unless you have reason to do otherwise, it is recommended to choose Simple Weighted Mean of Grades for weighted grading or Natural for natural grading. (For help with this choice, see How to Set up your Gradebook.) If another method has been chosen, it may result in grades that are not as expected.

To fix: In Gradebook setup, click Edit beside the course name and choose Edit settings.

Under Grade category, choose the appropriate method. If you use categories in your course, do the same for each category.

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If these solutions don’t fix the problem, contact for further help.

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