Empowering Albright Voices – Albright College

Empowering Albright Voices

"Empowering Albright Voices, Albright College symposium"

At Albright College, we understand that our differences make us stronger. Albrightians are dedicated to cultivating mutual respect for all community members and maintaining an environment free of discrimination and intimidation. We strive to build a fully-participating academic community in which all community members thrive, recognize their full potential, engage meaningfully in institutional life, and contribute to the flourishing of others.

Join us in #EmpoweringAlbrightVoices and celebrating Albright’s remarkable diversity and similarities/meaning across difference — exploring how similar and dissimilar ideas and people can interact to create something novel and powerful. The spring 2024 theme is “allyship in action.”

Albright faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals for programs to be offered as part of the college’s Empowering Albright Voices (EAV) symposium in fall 2024. The goal of EAV is to celebrate the diversity of our community and to explore how similar and dissimilar ideas and people can interact to create something novel and powerful. Fall 2024 EAV day will be held Oct. 4.

All faculty, staff, and students of the Albright community are invited to submit proposals for an EAV event or activity.

Proposals are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The proposed event must fit the overall goal of Empowering Albright Voices; ideally, the event would be geared towards the semester’s theme.
  • The proposed event should be open to all members of the community.
  • The proposed event should be positioned to attract a diversity of persons and voices to participate.
  • The proposed event must align with Albright’s Inclusivity and Diversity Statement, as well as Albright’s Expression Statement.
  • Funding may be requested, though the EAV budget is very small, with the exception of keynotes.
  • The proposer, or member of a planning group, must attend the EAV Planning Group meetings (once per month) from the time the proposal is approved and is expected to take the lead on organizing the event.
  • Keynote events are planned a year or more in advance, so please plan ahead if you wish to propose a keynote. Sponsoring a keynote address requires that you (or your designee) sit on the EAV Planning Group from the time your proposal is approved.

Proposals are reviewed for recommendation to the President (who makes the final decision) by the Empowering Albright Voices Planning Group, based on the above requirements and the following criteria:

  • Events are selected to represent a range of disciplines and voices and a range of submitting groups.
  • Priority is given to events that are scheduled on EAV Day.
  • For proposals that request budget, budgetary limitations will also limit the proposals that can be recommended.
  • Some proposed events may be recommended to be held over to a subsequent EAV semester.

See next tab for the proposal form.

Proposals are currently being accepted for Oct. 4, 2024.

Spring 2024

March 1

Note: EE = Experience Event

8 a.m. Unity Breakfast, McMillan Center, dining hall

9:15 a.m. Keynote: “Ally Building: Navigating Social Justice, Whiteness, and the College Experience,” McMillan Center, dining hall | EE
Ali Michael, Ph.D., co-director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators.


10:30 a.m. “Bird names for birds: changing trends in animal’s names,” Klein Hall | EE
Ian Cost, Ph.D. will give a short presentation on bird names and the movement of changing bird’s names to be more descriptive and less about honoring people.

10:30 a.m. “Acronyms to action: A blueprint for success and discussing more inclusive environments,” McMillan Center, south lounge | EE
Marlon Gibson, Ph.D. speaks about how to create inclusive environments using the ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion but by digging deeper to committing to taking purposeful actions to develop a better campus culture.

10:30 a.m. Faculty Workshop with Ali Michael, Ph.D., Roop Hall
Ali Michael, Ph.D., co-director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators.

12 p.m. Community Luncheon, McMillan Center, dining hall


1:15 p.m. “Community Connections and Allyship: Total Experience Learning’s Early Career Academy” Klein Hall | EE
TExpL’s Early Career Academy students and staff will provide an explanation of this dynamic collaborative program between the Reading School District, Albright College and Berks County businesses. The program redefines traditional public school education through an inventive daily schedule, paid internships, industry level credentials, dual enrollment, and career-ready training.

1:15 p.m. “Queering field ecology: self-advocacy and community building in support of LGBTQ+ field scientists,” McMillan Center, south lounge | EE
Ezra Kottler, Ph.D. (they/them) will share about their experiences as a transgender ecologist studying plant responses to climate change, and their work founding the Trans & Gender-nonconforming Fieldwork Alliance as a resource to support the next generation of LGBTQ+ field scientists.

1:15 p.m. Not your Mama’s politics, Roop Hall | EE
This student-focused panel will feature fresh perspectives on the influences of culture, politics and society.


2:30 p.m. “Write for Rights,” Klein Hall | EE
Write for Rights is a global initiative through Amnesty International that allows individuals to advocate for those who have had human rights violated. Individuals are asked to write a letter to either the people directly affected showing support or an appeal to the authorities.

2:30 p.m. “Allyship from a Global Perspective,” McMillan Center, south lounge | EE
Albright’s Global Scholars will offer insight into marginalized communities in Ecuador, highlights how these communities are challenging their marginalization and call attention to those groups fighting alongside these marginalized communities in order to amplify their voices. This event also focuses on how the students in the Global Scholars cohort have become more aware of their role as allies to these marginalized communities, as well as to marginalized groups in their own communities and on Albright’s campus.

2:30 p.m. “Consensual: Real talk about intimacy and relationships,” Roop Hall | EE
In partnership with Safe Berks, this “town hall” style event will discuss consent in the digital age, specifically tailored to Gen Z.

3:45 p.m. “Blind Date with a Book,” McMillan Center, main lounge
Participate in a free giveaway of some of the most exciting, challenging, and groundbreaking works of literature, history, cultural studies, and more, centering around the EAV theme of allyship, as well as Black and Women’s History Months. Book donations from Albright faculty and staff are giftwrapped and distributed to students on a first come first serve basis. Please contact Lena Ziegler in the English Department for more information.

5 p.m. Community painting workshop, Public Art Studio (11th and Rockland Streets)
Work on a collaborative public art project being created for the Greater Reading community.

7 p.m. “The Plight of the Black Woman,” McMillan Center, south lounge
Albright’s Society of Black Alumni offer a “middle ground” experience focused on the stereotypes of black woman and how they affect us every day. This event will investigate how we can better advocate for black women in real life and on social media.

March 2

7:30 p.m. “Music from the African American tradition and beyond,” Memorial Chapel | EE
Choral concert.


Want to learn more about inclusivity and equity at Albright?

Supporting materials

Ibrahim Bangura
Adam John
David Tanner
Brenda Ingram-Wallace
Elizabeth Kiester
Katy Mangold
Carey Manzolillo
Keith Walls

Fall 2023 Events

For more information about the Experience program and the Experience events listed below, visit the Experience landing page.

Oct. 1-7: Safe Berks Silent Witness display, CFA Mezzanine (rotunda window display)

Oct. 2:

7:30 p.m. – 43rd annual Leo Camp memorial lecture with Alon Tal: “Will the environment survive a renewed Middle East peace process? A blueprint for progress,” McMillan Center, south lounge. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks – Experience Event

Oct. 5:

4:30 – Maternal mortality in the U.S., McMillan Center, south lounge – Experience Event

6-9:30 p.m. – Danny Simmons poetry slam, CFA amphitheater OR Albright Theatre- Experience Event
(6 p.m. pre-event reception, 7 p.m. poetry slam, 8:30 p.m. post-event reception)

Oct. 6:

8:30-9:30 a.m. – Unity breakfast, Dining Hall

9:30 a.m. – Keynote by Pennsylvania’s 129th Legislative District State Representative Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz: “connection to community,” Dining Hall

10:45 a.m. – Faculty/Staff workshop: LGBT Center of Reading, Roop Hall

10:45 – Cepeda-Freytiz: Q&A with students, McMillan Center, south lounge

11 a.m.-1 p.m. – Community agency fair, McMillan Center, main lounge

12-1 p.m. – Community Luncheon, Dining Hall

1:15 p.m. – First-generation business panel, McMillan Center, south lounge – Experience Event

2:30 – Maslow’s Hierarchy and student success, McMillan Center, south lounge – Experience Event

3:45-5:15 p.m. – Collaborative Public Art, TExpL Public Art Studio

6:30-8 p.m. – Cross-Cultural Global Fashion Show, Albright Theatre – Experience Event

Spring 2023 Events


Wednesday, March 1

7 p.m. – “Invisible” film screening, Klein Lecture Hall | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Writer/director TJ Parsell takes us behind the scenes of the country music industry. The documentary premiered at Framework in 2021 and has been on the festival circuit the past year where it picked up 11 awards for best documentary film.


Thursday, March 2

4 p.m. – Title IX mock trial, McMillan Center south lounge | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Take part in a mock Title IX hearing, facilitated by attorneys at Kozloff & Stoudt, providing education on Title IX and how it pertains to our campus community. A Q&A will follow the mock trial. Passed in 1972, Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination. While its early charge targeted equal opportunity in athletics, in recent years, the law has forced a reckoning over sexual harassment and assault on college campuses, and its protections have been extended to cover bias on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

6 p.m. – Painting with a purpose, Total Experience Learning Center (bus from main campus lot)
Join trustees, alumni, faculty and students in painting a mural depicting the story of recovery by a local artist.

7 p.m. – “Invisible” film screening, Klein Lecture Hall | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Writer/director TJ Parsell takes us behind the scenes of the country music industry. The documentary premiered at Framework in 2021 and has been on the festival circuit the past year where it picked up 11 awards for best documentary film.


Friday, March 3

8-8:45 a.m. – Community breakfast, McMillan Center dining hall (free for all students, faculty and staff)
Tell us your story! Students can also participate in drawings for WAWA gift cards.

9 a.m. – Keynote: “What you say, and what I hear! Communication and sustainability in a diverse community,” McMillan Center dining hall | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Speaker: Buffie Longmire-Avital, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Elon College. In the quest to develop more inclusive and diverse communities on college campuses, how people communicate with one another impacts and shapes the environment around us. Microaggression, a byproduct of latent bias (conscious or unconscious) is an aspect of communication that is difficult to comprehend or even identify. Yet, its impact on BIPOC members of the campus community contributes to personal traumas which impact retention and sustainable diversity.

10:15 a.m. – Faculty/staff workshop: Microaggressions and anti-racist pedagogy, Roop Hall
Identifying and mitigating microaggressions in faculty-student relationships in, and out of, class.

10:15 a.m. – Green Dot training, McMillan Center south lounge
The Green Dot program is centered around preventing dating violence, sexual violence and stalking. It relies on the premise that if everyone does their small part and commits to individual responsibility, the combined effect is a safe campus culture that is intolerant of violence. A brief training will be followed by student-led activities.

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. – Community lunch & “Engaging with the world,” McMillan Center dining hall (free for all students, faculty and staff)
Albright fashion students will share visual design work displays inspired by the traditional costumes from around the world highlighting commonalities and celebrating differences.

12:45 p.m. – Talkback & and Q&A with TJ Parsell, McMillan Center south lounge | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Growing up gay in the south is hard enough, but to be an openly gay women in country music is nearly impossible. Writer/director TJ Parsell takes us behind the scenes of the country music industry & joins us in-person.

2 p.m. – A talk by Afro-Ecuadorian author Yuliana Ortiz Ruano (virtual) | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Register here
Yuliana Ortiz Ruano will discuss her musical novel, “Fiebre de Carnaval,” based on the Afro-Ecuadorian community of the island of Limones. In the poetic memoir, Ortiz Ruano uses lyricism and imagery to paint a community sustained by the stories and songs of their people and the resources of the natural world that surrounds them. Ortiz Ruano will discuss her novel and present a reading in Spanish. Simultaneous English translation will be available.

3:15 p.m. – Panel: “When you’re First: navigating college as a first-generation student,” McMillan Center south lounge | EXPERIENCE EVENT
This panel will feature students from the newly created 1st Generation club, openly discussing what it means to be first-generation students at Albright. Panelists will discuss their personal transitional challenges to college, motivations and being the first in their families to navigate college.

4:30 p.m. – Poetry salon: “Won’t you celebrate with us: uplifting voices through poetry,” Freedman Gallery | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Inspired by Lucille Clifton’s poem, “won’t you celebrate with me,” this event will celebrate the power of poetry from many voices across the Albright campus.

6:30 p.m. – Paths after Albright: A panel discussion with Black alumni men,” McMillan Center south lounge and virtual | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Sponsored by Albright’s Society of Black Alumni (SOBA), Black alumni men will discuss their paths after graduating from Albright, the challenges and obstacles they encountered on their way to finding their voices in various careers. Gain insights into what you can achieve as Albright graduates, learn about potential career paths and how alumni can help with networking and opening doors.

7:30 p.m. – Chamber music concert, Memorial Chapel | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Fiterstein & Friends: Clarinet, Viola, and Piano Trio Concert.

8:30 p.m. – Student drag show, McMillan Center main lounge | EXPERIENCE EVENT
The student drag show is a yearly, competitive event, meant to showcase the talents of students while bringing together the PRIDE+ community and all of its allies.


Saturday, March 4

7:30 p.m. – Choir concert, Memorial Chapel | EXPERIENCE EVENT
Featuring female composers

Fall 2022 Events

The Big House
Oct. 2, 2 p.m., Albright Theatre, Experience Event
Continuing the Domino Players’ tradition of premiering original work, this company-created piece explores the many faces of “home,” and investigates the different ways we construct, inhabit and engage with our families, our communities, our country, the places we call home, our shared digital worlds, and of course our very own Albright College.

Rinal Parikh: New Interpretations of Indian Folk Painting Traditions
Oct. 2, 2 p.m., Artist Virtual Lecture, Experience Event
Registration required: https://albright.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FzB0A6cURLC2fbqf7EU7mg

Freedman Gallery reception
Oct. 6, 5 p.m.
Closing reception for Phillips and Parikh exhibits, reception for Patrice Rankine, Ph.D.

KEYNOTE: Patchwork Epiphanies: envisioning shared meaning across difference

Oct. 6, 7 p.m., Albright Theatre, Experience Event
Keynote address by Patrice Rankine, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Diversity and inclusion are pathways toward healthier communities, and yet while there is value in difference, one of the challenges in any group, organization or collective is that of crafting common stories that unite us, across divergent identities. Drawing from playwrights, poets and artists to illustrate how we might find resources to build shared meaning, keynote Patrice Rankine will discuss tensions and challenges in building shared meaning within a diverse society.

Unity breakfast (free for all students, faculty and staff)
Oct. 7, 8:30-9:30 a.m., McMillan Center dining hall
What is inclusivity at Albright? Join faculty, staff and students as we kick-off our day of learning with and from each other as we celebrate similarities in the midst of difference. (Students can also participate in drawings for WAWA and AMAZON gift cards.)

Faculty workshop: envisioning shared meaning across difference
Oct. 7, 9:30 a.m., Roop Hall
With Patrice Rankine, Ph.D., University of Chicago

Meet the trustees: The journey from Albright students to the Board of Trustees
Oct. 7, 10 a.m., Albright Theatre, Experience Event
This event will demonstrate how the Albright experience (academic, intellectual and cultural) shaped future pathways including the eventuation of becoming Albright trustees. Albright trustees will share how the foundation developed through Albright’s liberal arts curriculum allowed them to engage in the world post-graduation. Specific emphasis on the development and implementation of creative problem-solving and communication skills enhanced their ability to approach problems and opportunities with 30+ years post-Albright experience.

Meet the trustees: Adopted Lions contribute to Albright’s core value of connection
Oct. 7, 10 a.m., Klein Hall, Experience Event
Non-Albright graduates serve on the Board as a part of their civic responsibility to give back. Have you ever wondered what motivates people who are not alumni to contribute in this way? Meet a group of trustees whose paths to the Board did not begin in an Albright classroom. They will share their “why Albright” stories and hopes for the institution, and discuss more broadly how students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends can contribute to advancing lives, building community and shaping the future.

Community luncheon (free for all students, faculty and staff)
Oct. 7, 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m., McMillan Center dining hall
Celebrate the many voices of Albright with fashion displays, spoken word, music student group displays on inclusivity. Lunch theme: Hispanic Heritage Month and Global Scholars (Ecuador) initiative.

Student Panel: Our classics will be intersectional
Oct. 7, 1 p.m., Klein Hall
This panel discussion by Mido Hartman, Ph.D. and her students will invite participants to imagine ways in which the classics can have value for everyone. Students will present their own experiences to showcase how classical studies have a much broader foundation for intersectional explorations concerning issues of class, ethnicity, gender and beyond.

Interdisciplinary perspectives on the recent Roe vs. Wade decision
Oct. 7, 2:30 p.m., Klein Hall, Experience Event
In 1973 a lawsuit, Roe v. Wade, changed the way states could regulate abortion. It led the U.S. Supreme Court to make two important rulings on abortion rights: 1) that the U.S. Constitution provides a “right to privacy” that protects a person’s right to choose whether to have an abortion and 2) the abortion right is not absolute; it must be balanced against the government’s interests in protecting health and prenatal life. On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, giving states the ability to regulate or ban abortion. Panelists will share legal, spiritual, medical and psychological perspectives of the impact of this decision.

Practicing medicine on the top of the world: Utqiavik, Alaska
Oct. 7, 4 p.m., Albright Theatre, Experience Event
The Inupiat thrived within the Arctic circle for thousands of years. Within the last century air transportation opened the door for modern amenities as well as modern challenges for this proud group. Unique medical challenges of the population include genetic disorders and trauma. Struggles of obesity, addiction and mental health are magnified by geographic isolation. Josh Williamson, M.D., will share some of his eye-opening experiences working with this underserved community, summer 2022.

Global intersections of fashion
Oct. 7, 5:30 p.m., MPK Chapel, Experience Event
This fashion runway show presents an international collection reflecting cultures, customs and music. The International Student Association and Fashion Department host a platform for expression and meaning through traditional dress, highlighting fashion from around the world.

A living history of empowerment from the voices of Albright Black alumni
Oct. 7, 7 p.m., Klein Hall, Experience Event
Featuring alumni spanning several decades, this panel will share how Black students experienced and actively pursued empowerment on campus, and how their experiences were influenced by national movements and contemporary culture. A timeline of national events will show how Albright has been influenced by broader societal issues. Sponsored by The Society of Black Alumni and the Office of Alumni and Donor Engagement.

Sounds of Nature: a choral concert
Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., MPK Chapel, Experience Event
A musical journey celebrating the beauty of nature with Albright choral ensembles — Lion Chorale, Leo Chorum, Roaring Lions, and Lions’ Pride.

Alumni Book Discussion “Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead
Oct. 11, 7 p.m., Virtual
Teresa Gilliams, Ph.D., professor of English, facilitates an online discussion of “The Underground Railroad” by Colson Whitehead.

Spring 2022 Events

Feb 28 – Black Inventors Got Game, Experience Event, 2 p.m., McMillan south lounge
Hear from eight African American Toy inventors who created some of the most popular toys in history including the Real Meal Easy Bake Oven and Nerf gun. A clip from their documentary “Black Inventors Got Game” will be viewed.

Feb 28 – Race to the Net: When African Americans controlled the internet, Experience Event, 3:15 p.m., Klein
Al White was a member of the original management team of Network Solutions Inc., the African American company that first introduced the Internet globally. He was responsible for providing the marketing strategy to promote use of the global internet to the public.

March 3 – The Intersection of Disability, Experience Event, 7 p.m., (Virtual);
Headliner Alice Wong, author of “Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century” will participate in a mediated discussion and talk about her work as a disability advocate.

March 4 events:

Intersections of Identity interactive display, McMillan
On display in the Student Center, where all members of the campus community can create visuals of their identities. Stop by and participate throughout the day.

10 a.m. – Struggling for accessibility, faculty only (Virtual)
Four Albright faculty from diverse disciplines will describe their personal and professional struggles and triumphs with disability advocacy, accessibility issues.

11 a.m. – Traditional Mexican cuisine cooking demo, (Dining Hall and Virtual)
Mexican cuisine is far richer than commercialized nachos, tacos and margaritas. Take a 40 minute tour of Montezuma’s favorite foods – beyond the taco bowl!

12 p.m. – Struggling for accessibility, Experience Event, (Virtual)
Four Albright faculty from diverse disciplines will describe their personal and professional struggles and triumphs with disability advocacy, accessibility issues.

1 p.m. – Stand Up & Stand Out – Albright Green Dot bystander sexual assault training, McMillan south lounge

2 p.m. – Head coverings and modesty in a secular world, Experience Event, (Virtual)
Head covering has a long tradition in religion and is practiced in different forms by Muslims, Jews, Christians and Sikhs. Highlighting the religious diversity of our campus and surrounding community, three women of different faiths will discuss the religious reasons why they choose to cover their hair.

2 p.m. – Amazing Race, team timeslots available between 2-4 p.m., LifeSports Center
Sign up individually or in pairs to complete several tasks while experiencing assigned challenges and obstacles. Gift cards will be awarded to the top competitors.

3 p.m. – LGBTQIA Safe Space, McMillan south lounge
Activity centers will highlight identities, flags and trailblazers, following a brief introduction to important aspects of the LGBTQ+ community, including nuances around mental health and substance use. Participants will be invited to share ideas regarding ways Albright can become more inclusive. Sponsored by Counseling Center peer educators.

4 p.m. – The music technology industry after #MeToo, Experience Event, (Virtual)
In honor of International Women’s History Month, women in the music technology industry will talk about the state of the field following #MeToo. Speakers include Tiffany Naiman, director of music industry at UCLA; Jasmine Henry, mixing and mastering engineer and more.

5 p.m. – Hear me, America, McMillan main
Staged play reading performances by the Domino Players.

6 p.m. – EAV Trivia Night, McMillan main lounge
Join us for a Kahoot wrap up of the day and the experiences. Gift cards will be awarded to the top three winners.

6:30 p.m. – Bachata Latin Dance Class, Schumo dance/yoga room ($5 charge)
Staff from WH Dance Academy will provide a beginner Bachata Latin dance class. Created in the Dominican Republic during the mid-1900s, Bachata is a combination of Cuban son dance, African beats and bolero music. Sponsored by the Xion Dance and Step team.

7 p.m. – Diversity in science and in science education, Experience Event, (Virtual)
Panelists will explore diversity in the sciences, directly addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in fields that are historically lacking DEI opportunities.

March 10 – Students talking about Empowering Albright Voices, 4 p.m. (Virtual)
Join Chaplain Ibi Bangura as he has a conversation with students about their EAV experiences.


October 14, 2021

1 p.m. – “Beats, Rhymes, and Life” with Erik Nielson (University of Richmond) and Mike D’Errico (Albright College). This presentation will explore ways in which the justice system targets black artistry, based on Nielson’s “Rap on Trial” work, featuring the Albright Rap Collective. Meet in Roop Hall; event will take place in Roop and the CFA Amphitheatre

3 p.m. – “LGBT+ Safe Space” presentation on the impact of mental illness and substance abuse by Albright’s Counseling Center and Peer Educators, followed by interactive stations. Location: McMillan Student Center’s South Lounge.

4 p.m. – Keynote Event: “From Aretha to Aida,” virtual concert with award-winning singer, writer, composer and educator Adrienne Danrich. Followed by a round-table discussion, this Experience Event program portrays Danrich’s autobiographical musical journey from disadvantaged youth to nationally acclaimed artist. A Spinto Soprano, Danrich is most notably recognized for winning a Midwest EMMY for her performance and narration of “This Little Light of Mine: The Stories of Marian Anderson and Leontyne Price.” See Video

6 p.m. – “Factuality,” a 90 minute crash course on structural inequality in America. Participants assume the identities of various characters encountering a series of fact-based advantages and limitations based on the intersection of their race, class, gender, faith, sexual orientation, age and ability. Location: McMillan Student Center’s Main Lounge.

October 21

4 p.m. – Albright students, please join Chaplain Ibi Bangura in a conversation about your Empowering Albright Voices event experience. Via Zoom.

"Empowering Albright Voices" image

Wholly Earth: Black Feminist Ecologies and Sustainable Futures” is a day-long Albright College virtual symposium, hosted by professors Kami Fletcher, Ph.D., and Mark Lomanno, Ph.D. Inspired by an album of the same name by the late vocalist Abbey Lincoln, this symposium will feature workshops, roundtables and research presentations from the arts, humanities, natural and social sciences. Participants will focus on the innovative contributions of Black feminist activist, artistic and scholarly practices that can provide models for more equitable and inclusive life. In the spirit of Albright’s celebrated interdisciplinary education, this symposium is an opportunity for the entire campus community.

Wholly Earth Events speakers include:

Shannon J. Effinger, freelance arts journalist
Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, Ph.D., professor emerita of African and African diaspora studies, University of Texas at Austin;
Kameelah Martin, Ph.D., director of African American studies, College of Charleston;
Yvette Modestin, executive director, Encuentro Diaspora Afro.

April 7 symposium schedule:

8:30-9:20 a.m. — Welcome (Zoom link)
Wholly Earth’s organizers, and President, Jacquelyn S. Fetrow, Ph.D. ’82, welcome the entire Albright community, and all those joining us from around the world, to the day’s events.

9:30-10:30 a.m. — “An Anthology of Black Lesbian Thought,” (Zoom link)
African American lesbian writers and theorists have made extraordinary contributions to feminist theory, activism, and writing. Briona Jones, editor of Mouths of Rain, addresses pervasive issues such as misogynoir and anti-blackness while also attending to love, romance, “coming out” and the erotic.

10 a.m. — Performances by Albright Rap Collective and Lion Records artists (Amphitheatre)

10 a.m. — Your Voice, One Word (McMillan Center)
Every day we make choices and decisions based on who we are and what we value. In this day of celebration of our unique identities, we want you to think about the one word that guides you, that inspires you. Come stamp it out on a bracelet as a daily reminder of who you are and the amazing things you’re capable of. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

11 a.m. — “Archeological investigations of the African American experience at Hopewell Furnace National Historical Park,” Experience Event (Zoom link)
How can archeology help us better understand and interpret the experiences of both enslaved and free African Americans who worked at Hopewell Furnace? Presented by Amy Fedchenko, Ph.D., and Jared Muehlbauer

11 a.m.-4 p.m. — Foods of the world (Dining Hall)
Enjoy foods from various cuisines found around the world to bring us together and enrich our experiences with each other. The day’s cuisines will include Caribbean, Greek, Thai, African and European.

12 p.m. — “Allyship and appropriation of Black artists” (Zoom link)
What does inclusive performance sound like? How can a demographically-diverse ensemble celebrate Black art responsibly? Composer Brittney Boykin will discuss performing Black music, how it relates to the performing arts in higher education, and more broadly, music’s function in society.

1 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4 p.m. — The Amazing Race (Science Field)
Accessibility barriers and challenges face our students every day on and off campus. The Amazing Race will put you face-to-face with these barriers in challenges set up around campus to highlight mobility, dietary and sensory issues. Students can sign up in teams of two, or we’ll pair you together, to complete and conquer! Sponsored by the Office of Accessibility and Access, Multicultural Affairs and Shayla Gaither — SGA’s minority and disability student representative.

1 p.m. — Texture talk: tips, techniques and trends” (Zoom link, McMillan Center main lounge)
Join the members of the Black Women Leadership Association for a virtual/in-person discussion. Then chat with the presenters and pick up a hair care goodie bag.

2 p.m. — “Sustaining faith in African American traditions,” Experience Event (Zoom link)
This panel discussion with Brenda Ingram Wallace, Ph.D., Ibrahim Bangura, M.Div., and Quentin Wallace, D. Min., will explore ways in which aspects of faith have sustained people of African descent from slavery to the current day.

3 p.m. — Showcase performances by Albright Rap Collective and Lion Records artists (Amphitheatre)

4-5:30 p.m. — KEYNOTE PANEL “Imagining Black Feminist Ecologies: Sustainable Futures for a Wholly Earth” (Zoom link)
Inspired by the late jazz vocalist Abbey Lincoln, a pre-eminent panel of invited scholars, activists and educators explore Black feminist ecology from a variety of perspectives, asking how we all might respond to Lincoln’s call for a more “wholly earth.” Speakers will include Shannon J. Effinger, Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, Ph.D., Kameelah Martin, Ph.D., Yvette Modestin, and moderator Kami Fletcher.

4 p.m. — Paint what empowers you (McMillan Center)
Paint ceramic tiles representing your strength and inspirations. We’ll provide the tools, you provide the creativity.

8 p.m. — Pride+ student drag show (Chapel)
Join the students of Pride+ and AC2 in celebrating 100 years of drag in the nation. It’s a night that promises entertainment, empowerment and a beautiful tradition of expression.

Student presentation on Albright’s Central Pennsylvania African American Museum art collection artifacts. (Online)

Albright Choral Ensembles and Lion Record artists’ music (Online)

Albright College Choral Ensembles

Let Them Hear You – The Color Purple from The Color Purple” (arr. Dilworth), 20:31, soloist, Miranda Holliday ’20.

Make Them Hear You” from Ragtime.

A Rose Has Sprung Up” Coventry, arr. Brittney Boykin (commission composer), 22:40, soloist, Olivia Trace.

Lion Records Artists

Max444, Hip-Hop/Instrumental
Max444 is a Bay Area native artist focused on songwriting and music production. He incorporates all genres of music in his production style but is rooted as an MC at heart. His goals are to create a culture of creativity and passion and is common quoted saying, “Love what you do, if not now, when?”

Nillatron (Niles Harris), Hip/Hop & Rap, Lo-Fi

Nostalgic Love
The son of Randallstown’s favorite producer, Niles Allen Harris was born on May 1, 1999. Niles discovered his passion for music in third grade by playing with his father’s virtual DJ software on their computer. In October 2019 Niles released his first Ep “I Want Peace.” and on May 4, 2020 Nillatron released “Analog Vice” an EP heavily inspired by Lo-Fi sounds and Synthwave. Lo-Fi and Synthwave sounds mixed with a relatable laid-back and nostalgic personality, that’s Nillatron, and it’ll all be up for display on his upcoming album “Slow Down, Father Time.”

Kenny Rojas, Modern Latin Fusion
Corazon de Oro
Mi Golondrina
Bayville, N.J. native, Kenny Rojas, is a Mexican singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist hoping to etch his family’s name into the music industry with his sonic fusion of Modern and Classic Latin music. Growing up, Kenny was always surrounded by music, spending most of his time as a child sitting with his father and uncle as they played their time away on their old family guitars. As Kenny grew up, his father and uncle introduced him to their nightly musical ritual, encouraging him to play along with them, or sing what little lyrics he knew. Kenny cultivated his skills overtime, and the more he played, the bigger his love for music became. Kenny recognized that many people on his father’s side of the family were exceptionally musically gifted, but nothing ever came of their talents. Kenny has since set out to be the first in his family to give this talent the audience it deserves.

Celebrating Albright’s diversity isn’t something that should be bound by a single day.

Join us for ongoing #EmpoweringAlbrightVoices events throughout the year, including:

April 8 – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion “Teach-in”
Events on April 8 will help faculty discuss and incorporate #EmpoweringAlbrightVoices ideas into coursework.

April 12 @ 4 p.m. – “COVID-19’s impact on vulnerable populations,” Experience Event (Pre-register on Zoom)
The global pandemic has disrupted the lives of people around the world and has exposed inequality already facing vulnerable populations. Beth Kiester, Ph.D. (sociology) and Kate Lehman, Ph.D. (communications) will present research and lead a discussion on the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on diverse groups including immigrants, communities of color and women of all backgrounds.

April 15 @ 4 p.m. – “Symbols of the Insurrection,” Experience Event (Pre-register on Zoom)
When protestors stormed the Capital building on January 6, 2021, they carried flags, wore insignia, and blew horns. What do these symbols and images mean? How are they connected to larger ideologies, both secular and religious? Maite Barragán, Ph.D., (art history) and Jennifer Koosed, Ph.D. (religious studies) will explore the various meanings of the symbols, and discuss the various groups associated with these symbols.

May. 20 @ 6 p.m. – “The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants,” (Pre-register on Zoom)
In recent years, the topic of immigration has been central to our national and local politics. In his new book The Deportation Machine (Princeton UP), author and historian Adam Goodman traces the long and troubling history of the US government’s systematic efforts to terrorize and expel immigrants since the late 19th century.